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Even if it is beyond minimal, it’s there. It’s an attempt.

At least it had been in the beginning, not so much anymore. His son’s soured attitude playing interference with his morals. His paycheck doesn’t benefit from taking the higher road. It had only been a convenience.

“Status update?”

My jaw grates when he doesn’t answer right away.

“I asked you a question.”

“I’ll speak up when I find something,” Daniel’s grits out. Shooting me an overly inflated eye over the top of his computer before getting back to work.

Just because he’s head of security doesn’t mean I deserve the extra attitude. If he ignores me one more time, I plan on giving him the longest of standing ovations with my middle fucking finger. That’s one of the nicest things I can possibly do.

I’m already dealing with enough as is.

Besides, the only attitude I’ve ever found somewhat pleasurable and not at all an inconvenient annoyance is currently missing.

My sole fixation for the last two days has been retracing every single step. Then backtracking it again. Retracing and doing it over some more. Focusing on any little detail that might seem relevant.

The task I appointed to myself. It’s also the only thing that has helped pull me from that lapse in judgment. I have purpose again.

I will find Rory.I need back what’s mine.

“Have you gotten into their system yet?” Finn asks agitatedly sometime later. His brows pinch so closely together in concentration you’d think they are one.

“Nope.” Eli’s dad doesn’t bother lifting his head this time and I want to laugh at the hypocrisy. I’m hated right now and still got more than a single syllable word.

Intimidation has its perks.

Somehow in light of all this, a victorious smile does slip out before my blood runs cold all over again. My eyes sting as ice spreads through my stomach.

Not that anyone caresornotices.

I am abandoned, confined to my artic of isolation across the room. So, all I have is time. Time to think and observe.

By this point, I can’t tell who is more annoyed. Sgt. Daniels, who is being hovered over or Finn, who seems to have lost all sense of personal space. Stuck to his back like a piece of spandex.

None of us have gotten a lot of sleep in the last forty-eight hours and it’s starting to show.

Sgt. Daniels openly growls. “Maybe I could get more work done if I didn’t have a parrot hunched over my goddamn shoulder,” he barks, shaking off Finn’s hand from where he’s placed it.

Finn sticks out a pointed tongue at the back of his head. Eli rolls his eyes, turning back to his own computer, catching it. He’s been set up right next to his father since he first arrived and hasn’t moved once.

Eli managed to hack into the Caspers’ security system the other night. That’s how he and Finn figured out Rory had taken his car.

Sgt. Daniels took that one step further. By not so legally hacking into the stoplight cameras and tracking the location of the car. Rory had been smart enough to disable Finn’s personal Wi-Fi hotspot and Bluetooth in his Aston Martin Vanquish.

It has taken us longer going through and piecing together all the footage. Eventually, he managed to pull together enough to figure out where she ended up. Ditching the car at some bus station about twenty minutes outside of town.

“Anything. Anything at all?”

“I’ll let you know when I have something.”

“Well work faster,” Finn says, waving his hand dismissively into the air. “I don’t pay you to sit around.”

“You don’t pay me at all,” Sgt. Daniels deadpans. “Your father does.”

Finn’s frown deepens. “And he’s busy on the phone right now.”
