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“Can you zoom in on her ticket?”

“No need,” Daniels says, pointing at the monitor. “The buses have the destination listed on the front. I just need to track its entire route.”

“Already on it,” Eli says, typing away on his computer.

Finally—I want to scream. We’re getting somewhere.

A cold chill breaks out over my skin. My eyes bouncing between Rory’s frozen frame on Daniel’s computer and the routes on Eli’s.

The good news is we know what direction she’s headed. The bad is there are nine stops and that’s just the start.

My teeth gnash together.

“Who’s to say she won’t buy another ticket and hop from location to location to divert us?” Rory is resourceful.

Finn’s eyes slice over in my direction. “It’s a start,” he sneers. “Besides, don’t you think you’ve helped enough?” Sarcasm dripping as it hangs there, reeking of his disdain toward me.

My nostrils flare.

He’s all fumes and hot energy.

That’s what I’m trying to help fix, asshole.

“It’s a start, not the answer. We should be cross-checking them all.”

“We’ll ask for your opinion if it’s needed or relevant.” Finn’s eyes narrow further. “Right now, you're lucky you’re here at all since this is all your fault, to begin with.”

“He’s right though,” Eli offers me that one small handout, even if it does come with a side-eye.

Finn’s shoulders swell. He knows I’m right too. His anger toward me is bypassing his stubbornness to see the truth.

Snapping his fingers in the next instant at Daniels, he says, “Cross-check everything.”



It’sWednesday.Themiddleof the week and another full day has passed, and we still haven’t been able to locate Rory.

She’s now been gone since the start of last weekend, but Monday, Abram told the boys and me that we all need to act as if everything’s normal. So, here I am at schoolpretendingeverything is fine when it’s the opposite.

At least this week’s a short one.

I haven’t slept in days; Eli managed to piece together what Rory’s ticket said, even though his father said it’s unnecessary. Still, I think he realizes we can’t be too cautious.

We now know where she’s headed, but we haven’t been able to locate her since she’s climbed off her bus. Not from lack of trying, but more so lack of cameras at other smaller stations.

Rory’s like a ghost, only we’re the ones who’re left haunted.

And in case you cared, this has all been done without my input. Eli and Finn still aren’t talking to me. Well, not unless it’s to berate me. But since there isn’t a chance I’m leaving their sides, that means we all get to be uncomfortable.

It’s as glorious as being repeatedly kicked in the nuts with a boot made of sharpened glass.

Been a great time.

“Trouble in paradise?”

I rub at my eye sockets with a groan. “What do you want, Madison?”
