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I laugh and my eyes well with tears when I look at Brett.

“I will,” I say.

He stands and grabs me, kissing and hugging me.

“I love you,” he says. “And I can’t wait for our adventure together.”

“It’s been a wild ride from day one with you,” I say.

“And it will only become more so.”

I smile up at the man I love, the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

When Brett slides the enormous rock onto my finger, a waiter appears with champagne. We clink our glasses together and celebrate another beautiful union. Stacey can’t stop talking about wedding dresses and honeymoons and happily ever after, and Marc gushes about what the guys will say and how they’ll handle the bachelor’s party.

I tune them out. I love my friends, but right now, all I can focus on is Brett. When he looks at me, he smiles at me, and we share an intimate moment.

I always thought Brett hated me. I thought he’d made my life hell because he hated the idea that I dated his best friend. It turned out that he had hated the idea of me and Noah. But not because he hated me. Because he loved me.

When I realized that I love him, I was terrified that I would get hurt. But since the moment we declared our love for each other, and reconciled after we fought, it’s been nothing but a smooth ride.

I know there will be tough times ahead. I know sometimes the pressure will get to us both. But if we could fight through the bad and still end up together, imagine what we can do now that we know we belong together.

Now that we know our happily ever after is right here, ripe for the picking.
