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Michelle knows when to drop the topic and she doesn’t push me anymore. I’m grateful for her— she started as my boss, but she’s become a friend and she has my best interest at heart. I never thought I would work in an environment so friendly. Even Tina and Jenny are there for me, even though we’re not that close. I am luckier than I ever thought I would be. When David died, I thought my life ended. But there is always a rainbow after the storm, right?

We shop for a while longer, then Michelle and I find a coffee shop to rest and have a drink.

“Oh, before I forget, Rachel, the new designer, is arriving next week. As soon as she’s here, we’ll kick off the project.”

“How long will she be here?” I ask.

“As long as we need her. She’s not attached to anyone or anything, so it’s easy. She’s from around here somewhere, originally. And if we’re lucky, we really hit it off and she becomes part of the Ruby Blue family.”

I nod. I hope so—this really is like a family, and I don’t know how we’ll handle it if someone doesn’t fit in. I’m excited about the new designer. I’m excited about what it could mean for me and my career, and I look forward to meeting another colleague.

After we finish our coffee, Michelle and I continue shopping. I buy myself a couple of items I can wear in the office. I’ve had to redo my wardrobe when I started working for a fashion house. It’s only right that I adjust my style to fit with the brand.

And I love dressing up just to go to work. Every day feels like a photoshoot. It's pretty glamourous.

When we’re done shopping, I drive to Kylie’s friend’s house to pick her up from her play date. Jenna has been her best friend since they started school together, and they’re almost inseparable.

“Mommy, can I sleep over?” Kylie asks when I arrive.

“I’m sure Jenna’s mom needs a break,” I say.

Hannah comes to the door, laughing. “If it’s fine with you, she’s welcome to stay. Jenna has extra clothes she can use and we can make pizza.”

“Please, please, please,” Kylie begs.

I laugh. “Okay, it’s fine by me, but I’m picking you up before lunch tomorrow.”

Kylie and Jenna squeal, grabbing each other, and run back to the room.

“Thank you,” I say to Hannah. “I’ve got the next one.”

“We’re going to see a lot of each other over the next couple of years. I’m glad Jenna has a good friend.” Hannah smiles at me.

“Me too,” I agree. “Good friends are so important.”

After saying my goodbyes, I head home alone. I walk into the house, empty and quiet, and my heart constricts. It’s nights like these that I miss David the most—we would have gone out on the town or watched a movie, spending quality time.

I shake myself, getting rid of the misery. I can’t live in this constant state of limbo. Instead of pining away for a husband who will never come back, I walk through the house in search of something to do. In the spare bedroom, I open the closet and my art supplies catch my eye.

I used to paint, once upon a time. After David died, I stopped.

For a moment, I wonder if I have what it takes to do it again.

But maybe not tonight.

I close the closet doors and walk to the kitchen to put together a quick supper before I settle in front of a movie by myself.

Chapter 5


“Looking sharp, old man,” Darrel says, clapping me on the back.

“Fuck you,” I laugh. I’m irritated but I try to cover it up. I know I’m retiring but the jokes about my age are getting old. “You’re barely three years younger than I am.”

“And not retiring,” he points out.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the mirror, straightening my bow tie.
