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“Oh,” I blush. “Thanks. I need to dress the part for work.”

He looks me up and down. “A real boss babe, and I mean that in the best way.” He gestures to a chair and takes his own seat when I sit. A server arrives and we both order coffee. I order a sandwich, and Sam orders a plate of fries.

“So…how have things been?” I ask. Things are a little strained between us. But it’s been five years. “I’m sorry I haven’t been in contact, I—”

“Don’t even think about apologizing,” Sam says. “I get it. Really. It goes both ways and I didn’t call just as much as you didn’t.” He fiddles with the salt and pepper shakers on the table. “But I’ve been alright.” He glances up at me. “How’s Kylie doing?”

Kylie doesn’t really know Sam. She was too young to know him properly when we saw him last, and since then, Sam hasn’t kept contact with us at all.

“She’s doing well. Growing up too fast. I am in awe at how fast this is all going. She’s turning into a mini teenager already. And she’s not even ten yet.”

“I can just imagine what a beauty she must be by now,” Sam says. “She got the best from you both.” He reaches over and squeezes my arm.

I nod and smile. The server brings our coffee and I’m glad to have something to do. I focus harder than I should on pouring cream and sugar into my coffee, and I don’t make eye contact with Sam until I have to.

“So, what did you need my help with?” I ask, my curiosity mounting.

“Well, it’s a complicated situation, really. I want to do an event, and I need your help putting it all together.”

“Why me?” I ask. Sam can put together an event on his own. He does it for a living.

“You’re the only one who really understands me, and what this is all about.” He looks at me, his eyes pleading. “Will you help me? I know it’s weird I just popped up again after so many years, but this thing…David was supposed to help me,” he lets out a breath with a shudder. “It’s been a few hard years, as you know, and I want to move forward. It’s time to do what needs to be done. What I was going to do before David died.”

If anyone understands that, it’s me. I’ve fought just as hard to try to move on with my life but letting go of David and everything in the past isn’t easy.

“Okay,” I agree. “I’ll help you.”

Sam lights up and reached across the table, taking my hand in both of his.

“You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you.”

I nod and smile at him. It’s so good seeing him again. I thought it would hurt; I thought it would be hard. But it feels good to see him and reconnect. Sam is family, in a way.

I’m glad I came.

But if the two of us are working toward moving past David’s death, I can’t see how helping Sam is bad. David will always be my first love. I’ll never stop loving him, and I’ll never stop missing him.

But I deserve a chance to be happy again.

And so does Sam.

Chapter 15


I knock on her door and when she opens, she looks fucking incredible. She looked great on our auction date—that teal dress made her look like a goddess. Now, she wears a summery dress that flows around her legs and hugs her waist and she does it just as much justice.

I don’t think she can look bad in anything she puts on—Natalie has a natural beauty and grace that’s rooted somewhere deep inside her, and it brings everything about her to life.

“You look amazing,” I say.

She blushes, and I lean down to kiss her.

“You look good, too,” she says when I break the kiss. I didn’t want to pull away, but if I give in to my urges now, we’ll spend the whole night in bed and I want to take her out.

I smirk at her. “A lot more comfortable. I felt like a monkey in that suit.”

“I noticed you kept tugging at your tie,” she says with a smirk.
