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Chapter 31


I feel out of place. I opted for chinos and a collared shirt with Italian loafers, and even though it’s not a suit, I feel too dressed up.

But when I arrive at the venue, I realize I’m dressed accordingly, and it won’t be so hard to blend in. Except that I’m taller and wider than the rest of them. And a football star, albeit retired.

Oh, and not invited.

After Dianne Montgomery told me last night I should come here, I rejected the idea. Natalie made it clear we’re over, and it’s probably better to leave it at that. I have issues.

But like Jackson says, the point of love is finding some who will accept me for my flaws. God knows I’m not the only one out there with baggage. Natalie’s life is just as complicated as mine.

And I want to be with her no matter what.

She deserves an explanation about why I freaked out like that. Even if nothing comes from it, I want to do at least that much.

Why I decided to come here, instead of going to her place or calling her, I have no idea. I’m probably going to fuck things up.

But that damn business card, torn in my wastepaper basket, wouldn’t leave me alone.

And here I am.

The place is filled with people who talk to each other like they’ve known each other for years. One or two people look in my direction and I get a frown here and there. But no one comes to me to demand what I’m doing here.

When I spot Natalie, she takes my breath away. She looks like a vision no matter what she wears. The green top she wears compliments her skin tone and she sparkles like an emerald.

I take a step toward her when she goes to Sam.

I stiffen. What is he doing here? Did they come together? Jealousy makes me dizzy. I watched the way they talk, leaning into each other, their body language everything but hostile. When she reaches for him and squeezes his arm, I’m ready to fucking leave. I don’t have to stand here and watch her get cozy with some other guy—even if she says it’s her late husband’s brother and he has a right to be in her life.

I mean, he’s still a man. And she’s still fucking perfect. Any guy would be a fool not to want to be with her.

Sam walks to the podium and taps the mic, and everyone falls quiet. Now’s my chance to get out of here while they’re focusing on him.

“Friends and family,” Sam says, and he clears his throat. “Thank you so much for joining me here tonight. As always, your support means everything to me. And to Ben.”

Sam gestures with his hand to a man who stands close by. The guy wears white pants and a black silk shirt with white print on it. He has sunglasses on his face.Indoors. At night.

“This isn’t a normal business event, like we usually host,” Sam continues. “In fact, it’s not a business event at all.” A murmur ripples through the crowd but Sam powers on. “You see, this is long overdue. I wanted to take care of this business five years ago, but then David…” His voice catches in his throat. This is David’s family, I realize. This is a very closed event.

I watch as Natalie takes a step forward, drawing Sam’s attention. When he looks at her, she nods and smiles at him.

No thanks, I’m out. I can’t do this.

I turn.

“I wish David were here,” I hear Sam say as I walk to the door. “He was the one who suggested I speak to you all, make my announcement and be done with it. So, here goes nothing.”

I pause, my hand on the door. I want to hear what Sam has to say.

“Ben isn’t only my business partner,” Sam says. “He’s my life partner.”

I still and turn toward the room. It’s so quiet, I can hear my own heart beating in my chest. My blood rushes in my ears.

“That’s right,” Sam says and holds out his hand to Ben, who steps onto the podium with him. “I’m hosting this event to tell you all together, as my family, as the people who always support me, that I’m gay.”

The silence lasts only a moment longer before the room erupts in chaos. Some people talk excitedly and applaud Sam. Some are visibly upset. Sam and Ben stand there together, a united force against whatever may come, arms around each other.
