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I had it all wrong. Natalie isn’t dating Sam. He’s gay. And she was helping him with this whole thing. I can’t imagine it’s easy. Not for Sam to come out like this. Not for Natalie to face David’s family again.

Not any of it.

And I didn’t help, either. I didn’t ask her once what was going on. I assumed.

God, I feel like such an asshole. I made a big mistake. And I need to tell her that. She needs to know.

I weave my way through the throngs of people who have something to say about what just happened. A woman who looks a lot like Sam—I’m guessing it’s his mother—moans loudly. Someone tries to console her.

Natalie stands to the side, letting Sam and Ben be with each other. Before I reach her, she presses her hand against her forehead. She’s gone very pale. Sam sees her swaying on her feet and takes a few short steps toward her.

He grabs her arm and she leans on him. My stomach flips—what’s wrong with her? She looks sick.

Sam looks around and gestures for Ben to help Natalie into the foyer. I hurry to them. I’m about to step into the foyer when I hear her speak.

“You have to get back out there.”

“They’re going to need a moment to get it together,” Sam says. “We have time to breathe. I’d rather you sit down than fall over and hurt yourself.”

“I feel stupid,” Natalie says. “Since I found out, I’ve been so dizzy.”

“Found out about what?” Ben asks.

“She’s pregnant,” Sam says.

I freeze, and my ears start ringing.

Pregnant? No, this can’t be.

“Oh, honey, dizziness is normal early on,” Ben says.

They talk over each other and I can’t hear what they’re saying. And then their words blur over the ringing in my ears. I stumbled backward, away from the foyer, and head for a side door instead to get the hell out of here.

My mind spins. I can’t figure out what the hell I just heard.

How can she be pregnant?

A moment ago, I might have wondered if it was Sam’s child. But he’s gay. And I’m starting to think I was just an A-class asshole about the whole thing. But if she’s pregnant, then that can only mean one thing.

The baby is mine.

Chapter 32


It’s been a tough weekend, and I’m glad it’s almost over. Sam’s event went better than we all expected. It didn’t gowellper se, but Sam’s family is still talking to him, and that’s a good start.

When I speak to Sam, he sounds a lot more relaxed.

“It ended better than I thought it would,” he admits. “Thank you. For everything.”

“You did it all,” I say. “I was just a cheerleader on the sidelines.”

“You have no idea how much it helped.”

“Is Carol okay?” I ask.

Sam sighs. “She’s not hysterical anymore. But it might take a while for her to come around. My dad called me this morning to tell me so.”
