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“I don’t know how I feel. I know I like him. But it’s early days; we’re still feeling each other out.”

“A lot offeelingby the looks of it,” Angela says with a smirk and I blush even harder.

“I can’t help that the man is incredible in bed,” I say, daring to venture there with the women all making jokes like that.

All three of them burst out laughing.

“You’re good for him,” Beth says. “We can all see a change.”

“Really?” I ask.

“Sure,” Patti agrees. “He’s always so cold and closed off, and with you, he’s starting to thaw. But you’re a lot younger than we expected him to go for.”

I nod, feeling embarrassed.

“Don’t you worry about that,” Angela says, patting my leg. “Love doesn’t know age.”

My stomach twists when they mention love. I don’t know if that is what this is. It might become something like that, but it’s not there yet. It can’t be—we barely know each other.


The women start to talk about their relationships and how they met their respective men. It’s sweet to hear. They’re all nostalgic, talking about the past and laughing. And I feel at ease with them. We won’t be best friends, but I don’t feel like an outsider. I feel like they care, and they’re happy with the match—even if it's not really real.

I don’t know where Blake and I are headed. I don’t know what our relationship will become. He’s terrified, and after he explained his past to me, I understand where he’s coming from. If anyone knows what it means to be scared of the past repeating itself, it’s me.

After Luc treated me like nothing more than a trophy to add to his collection, and who I was didn’t count, I’m worried I’ll accept something like that again without knowing it.

But it’s not like that with Blake. He sees me. And he treats me like I have value, like the life I’m trying to create for myself is worth something.

But that doesn’t mean that we’re going to end up together. What about having children? What about marriage and kids—is that something Blake might want? I don’t know how to broach that topic because he’s already worried about just this.

Despite his worries and my apprehension, despite his age and the fact that he’s my client, this still happened between us.

Almost as if we couldn’t stop it, even if we tried.

Does that mean that Madame Dorota was right?

“Do you ladies believe in fortune tellers and fate and all that?” I ask. Maybe their input can help me.

“Like, palm reading?” Beth asks.

“Yeah, or tarot cards, or crystal balls…”

“I don’t,” Patti says firmly. “I think if you’re going to wait for fate to show up and make it happen, you’ll wait forever. We’re in control of our own destinies, so we should make it happen.”

“Yeah?” I ask. “So, your relationship with Mr. Dillon is something that didn’t just happen?”

“God, no. I was the one who told him that we’re getting married, or he could walk away. Because I’m not waiting forever. And he chose to marry me, and here we are—happy as can be.”

I wasn’t so sure if that was the truth after what Blake had suggested where other women were concerned. But I didn’t say it.

“I think it’s worth noting,” Beth says. “I mean, we still have a choice in the matter; it’s not like we’re puppets and someone else controls the strings. But if something happens for a reason, we have the chance to choose to accept it.”

“Yeah, I think that sounds right,” Angela agrees. “I mean, everything happens for a reason. But we’re still agents of free will. We still get to choose if we want to accept something or not.”

“Hmm,” I say.

“What about you?” Angela asks. “Do you believe in it?”
