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Libby’s face brightened further, though she was already glowing. “He is,” she said, turning her head to look at Luke, who was laughing with the newlyweds. “Will I see you on Monday, as usual?”

“If you manage to leave bed.” Hope grinned, biting her lower lip and winking at Libby.

“Mmm … You have a point.” Libby laughed. She and Luke were so new together, although they had known each other all their lives, and they were so much in love. Hope couldn’t remember what that felt like.

They hugged. “Tell Luke I said bye and that I hope to meet him again.”

“You’re gonna!” Libby said enthusiastically, and it dawned on Hope just then that she would probably meet the other Delaneys, as well, including Luke’s older brother with his confusing presence, and smirk, and that tendency to be amused at others’ expense.

Oh no.

She went back to her table and picked up her purse.

Just as she turned to tell Connie and David that she was ready to leave, she saw Jordan Delaney approaching them with a smile. He had dimples, and not the cute kind, but the sexy kind, like Bradley Cooper’s.

“Connie,” he said. “Can I call you Connie instead of Mrs. Latimer?” The Latimers and the Delaneys had lived next door to each other for years before the Delaneys had moved from Riviera View to the much better off Wayford.

“Jordan! Of course you can,” Connie responded smilingly, shaking his hand and fondly placing her palm on his forearm. Hope wondered what that felt like. It looked so strong with those visible veins running under the skin. “How you’ve been?” Connie asked.

“Good. Been good,” he said, but his smile slightly faded and the spark ebbed in his eyes. Hope’s curiosity was piqued. “I was hoping to catch you before, but it’s been so hectic here,” he continued. “How are you? How’s Gabe doing?”

“He’s great. He has two daughters, and Tammy, his wife, is lovely,” Connie said proudly. Gabe was Libby’s older brother who lived in L.A. Hope figured that, if Jordan was Gabe’s age, that made him forty-one. Five years older than her.

“Tell him I said hi. I’d be happy to see him next time he comes to Riviera View.”

Connie grinned. “He will … for the holidays. And with these two being like this”—she gestured with her head toward Luke and Libby, who didn’t even have a centimeter between them on the dance floor—“I hope we’ll see a lot of all you Delaneys.”

Jordan shifted to look at his brother and Libby. “I’ve never seen him like this,” he said, returning his gaze to Connie.

“Your mother tells me that you’re doing wonders in D.C. You work with that congresswoman … What’s her name? Patty told me, but I forgot. Sorry.” Connie tapped on his arm fondly.

“Rush. Sharon Rush. I don’t work for her anymore. I’m … I finished that project and took time off. So, tell me more about Gabe.”

Hope tried to seem uninterested, standing next to David, a few steps away from Connie and Jordan, pretending to be busy with her phone. Well, she was, because another text from the babysitter had arrived, asking her when she would be back.

“Oh, Jordan, excuse me. I’m being rude,” she suddenly heard Connie say. “This is my partner, David.” Connie pivoted abruptly toward David and Hope.

Hope jerked her head up, and her gaze met with that of Jordan’s. For a single, drawn-out moment, she was a deer caught in headlights.

Jordan stepped forward and reached out his hand to David. “Jordan Delaney, pleasure to meet you, David.”

Hope gazed at the strong palm that covered David’s, hoping he wasn’t crushing the older and smaller man’s hand with his strong shake.

“And that’s Hope, one of Libby’s best friends. You didn’t know her then. She moved here from Minnesota only about ten years ago,” Connie continued.

Coming from a tiny town herself, Hope wasn’t surprised that, despite her years in Riviera View, she wasn’t considered a local in the eyes of those born there, like Connie.

The deep, umber eyes and the dimples on the otherwise rough edges of Jordan’s face and jaw were now turned toward her. He was so tall and his shoulders so wide that Hope was sure she was screened from view if someone were to look over at them.

She hoped her palm wasn’t sweaty in his when he gripped it and shook it.

His smile, directed at her, was a warm smirk. “Nice to meet you, Hope.” It was obvious they both recognized the other from the bar before. “We hope to see more of Libby’s friends. We’re trying to make a good impression on her, for Luke’s sake.” He held her gaze and her palm, and although he spoke in plural, she felt a heatwave rushing through her body, as if she was standing under the blazing sunlight with no wedding tent over her head.

“Nice to meet you, too.”

He released her palm. “You’re a teacher, I hear.”

“Um, yes. I teach chemistry.” She felt idiotic. Had he heard it from Libby or inferred it from her silly chatter at the bar earlier? And, why did he have such an effect on her? He was attractive, but so what?
