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“He was just … amazing. He saw me, heard me. And I don’t mean that, Roni,” she added a rebuking aside to Roni, whose expression said I bet. “I mean before we even got to it. I felt seen and listened to, you know? Like he really cares.”

“He really does,” Libby said, seriously now. “And he’s proven it time and again.”

“Yeah, sounds like it,” Roni agreed. “And you deserve it, babe, especially after losing in the ex-husband lottery.”

Hope had preempted her revelation about Jordan by telling them about how Eric had behaved throughout that Florida weekend saga and his text about Halloween.

“Without getting into too many details, he was everything that Eric wasn’t and did everything that Eric didn’t,” Hope said, playing with the margarita straw.

“If I guess, will you confirm?” Roni asked with a sassy smile.

Hope chuckled. “Libby, you’d better cover your ears.”

“I’ll survive … hopefully,” Libby said.

“He went down on you when Mr. Douche wouldn’t,” Roni said, stating it as a fact, her tone venomous when she used Eric’s nickname. “And he didn’t make remarks about your post-preg body, didn’t compare you to anyone, and actually enjoyed seeing you enjoying yourself and made sure you were. Oh, and he didn’t do that annoying thing that douches do—give your head a little shove down so you’d get the hint.”

“Check, check, check, check, and … check,” Hope replied, making both women chuckle along with her.

“I need another drink,” Roni said with a sigh and waved at a waitress.

“So, are you guys together now?” Libby asked.

“I know he’s Luke’s brother and that you like him—hell, I like him, too, with how he treated Hope—but I don’t know if he’s a long-term relationship material, so don’t get ideas into her head,” Roni said, sending a protective hand to grip Hope’s shoulder. “He’s supposed to be her rebound sex, an explosive send-off back into the dating world. And it sounds like he delivered. She could enjoy him a little more probably, but she needs to find someone who’s actually here, who’s more like her. Those that make your heart race like crazy are dangerous.”

“Guys, I appreciate the concern. It’s not that simple because there are … feelings,” Hope said, and it was her turn to sigh. “We did say we’d talk and see each other the next time he arrives. And he texted when he reached D.C. last night and this afternoon. But with him there and me here and used to such different things … We’ll see how it goes.”

“Sweetie, I know you,” Libby said. “And though you haven’t said much about him until today, I can tell that you’re deeper in than ‘we’ll see,’ regardless of what Roni says. We’ll see was Chris. Am I right?”

“You’re not wrong,” Hope admitted without looking directly at her friends.

“Oh no.” Roni sighed again. “You two are going to kill me with all this anticipation and angst. First you, now you,” she said, pointing at Libby then at Hope. “What would I do without you, though?” she added with a scoff. “Die of my suburban boredom, that’s what.”

The waitress had just arrived with their second round. Libby raised her glass. “Here’s to smooth sails with minimum angst.”

They clinked their glasses.

“Speaking of,” Libby said, “what about Avery? Did you talk about that?”

“He wasn’t seeing her.”

“Is it only me, or do you two also think better of him for that?” Roni remarked.

“I mostly know her from your stories, but yeah,” Libby said.

“To be honest, I was relieved. I work with her,” Hope said. “I saw her at the fair. I saw Anne, too, by the way. I was at Breading Dreams, thought I’d see your mom there,” Hope addressed Libby. “Anne seemed strange, especially when this guy entered. I forgot his name. Would you guys mind if I invited her to one of our evenings?”

“Good luck with that,” Libby said. “I invited her several times, but she blew me off. I think she’s uncomfortable around me because of the bakery, though it should have been the other way around. And, speaking of, her parents pretty much announced they’re retiring and Anne is taking over. She offered my mom become a partner.”

“Did Connie agree?”

“You know her. Said she didn’t want that burden in the last years before her retirement. Besides, I think Anne’s a little afraid of our Roni here.”

“Me?” Roni stopped mid-sipping her cocktail.

Libby scoffed, bumping her shoulder fondly against Roni’s. “We love you, but Anne is so quiet and private; you’re probably too much for her with no fault of your own.”

“Invite her. I like her. Though I still can’t get used to calling her Anne and not Jane. I’ll be on my best behavior. Promise,” Roni said then resumed sipping her pink drink.
