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Happiness and agony. She came. He’d get to see her … with another man.

He took it as his punishment—if she had to see him all these years with her cousin, then it was only fair that he would have to experience the torture of seeing her with another man. Not only seeing her but hoping she was happy with him.

Happiness and agony.

He couldn’t bring himself to join the others. Remaining in the living room, his gaze was on the tree, blurred by the lights.

“Hi, Finn.” The voice came from behind him.

He turned around, bracing himself. It’d been two years.

She stood there alone, beautiful in a long, red dress. Her hair was tied up, exposing her delicate neck.

Happiness and agony. His heart exploded in his chest.

“Jane,” he said in a half-whisper.

She averted her eyes to the tree. “Trying to decide which gift to open first?” She tried to instill some humor.

“That obvious?” He smiled.

She stood closer to the room’s entrance with the entire carpet between them. Voices came from the foyer.

“Where’s Tom?”

“Probably wolfed-down by now.” She turned her head back before returning her gaze to him.

“Yeah, they can do that to you,” he said.

“He teaches chaos theory. Time to put that to the test.”

Fuck, he missed her so much.

He watched as someone approached the living room. Excited chatter came from the foyer, where the rest were probably talking about the newcomer.

“Banana,” the man said, stopping behind Jane and wrapping his arms around her waist. He was an inch shorter than her, his salt and pepper hair brushed back. He peeked at Finn, his cheek next to hers, but not touching it.

Every detail was burned into Finn’s retina.

He could see her swallow before she said, “Finn, this is Tom.”

Tom stepped from behind her. “Hi. Nice to meet you.”

Finn crossed the carpeted floor. “Same.” He shook the man’s hand.

“Heard you were on the Cal Poly team. I used to swim in junior high. I sometimes go for a few laps,” Tom said.

He threw a quick gaze at Jane before looking at Tom again. “You still swim? That’s good.”

“I like to catch the US Opens on TV from time to time.”

Finn pressed his lips together and nodded. “Yeah, they’re great.”

“Banana, can you tell me where the bathroom is?” Tom placed his hand on the small of her back. Finn followed it with his gaze.

“Over there.” She pointed.

“Sorry, long drive. Fresh from the airport, and I love my herbal tea thermos,” Tom said, smiling and looking at Finn apologetically.
