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She felt it every time Finn’s exposed forearm brushed hers.

They hardly spoke between them, and whenever they passed each other a bowl or platter, she felt like the undercurrents between them, even with the simplest, everyday words, were out there for everyone to see.

Max sat on the opposite side with his mother, closer to the head of the table.

“Anne,” Max addressed her at some point, “you made a cake for a girl in my class.”

She smiled. “Really? Which one?”

“She showed pictures of it at school and said it was from here, so I knew it was yours, and I told her I knew you. It was for her Bat Mitzvah.”

His pride in her stung her heart. The cost. She prayed that there wouldn’t be a cost to what she and Finn were doing.

“I had a few Bat Mitzvahs,” she said. “What’s her name?”


“Yeah, I remember now. I liked making it.”

“I showed her the pictures of the cakes you made for my birthdays.” He beamed at her.

She felt Finn’s eyes boring holes into her. She then felt his right hand squeezing her left thigh. It wasn’t a sexual touch. In the two years since she had come back and restarted the cake line, she had made two for Max’s birthdays, at Darian’s request—a superhero one he loved and a candy cake. She figured that Finn must have seen those.

Toward the end of dinner, Max asked to be excused until the desserts were brought and showed off his new VR to Linda and Bert in the living room. Avery helped her parents in the kitchen, and Anne felt Finn’s hand on her thigh again. This was a different touch. Under the shelter of the tablecloth, and knowing they couldn’t be seen from the living room, he ran his hand from her knee to her thigh. Agonizingly slow, he hiked her dress up, his palm caressing her bare leg. By the time he reached close to the crux of her legs, she was throbbing.

She clenched her thighs as he clasped her flesh. She had to hold back from making any sound, which was hard given that her nipples hardened, and she could feel the wetness nearly soaking her panties. It was torture. She needed his hand or, better yet, his tongue or cock right there.

“Stop,” she whispered through gritted teeth.


“Stop.” She almost moaned it.

“Or I’ll make you come right here?” He leaned closer to her, his breath in her ear. “I know how wet you are right now, and it’s killing me. If I have to get up, everyone will see how hard you make me.”

God. He was killing her.

She slithered her hand under the table and removed his from her thigh. “This is dangerous. They’ll be back any moment. And it’s not fair.”

“You’re right,” he rasped and leaned back. “I just want everyone to know, Jane. I want you to tell them this weekend. I’ll tell Avery as soon as you give me the green light. Did you see how much Max likes you? If Avery could get herself together like she should, Max would be fine.”

She looked from side to side to make sure no one could hear or notice their whispered conversation. “Should. She should be doing and should have done a lot of things. But we know who we’re dealing with. Look at what she’s done to her brother. Clusterfuck, Finn. It’s going to be a clusterfuck. I believe it now more than ever.”

“Maybe, but it’s too late now to back out. And even if it wasn’t, I don’t want to. I need you. The only way is forward. I’m getting out of here first thing after dessert, and so are you. We’ll meet at yours. There’s no way I’ll last all the way to Blueshore without fu—”

“Are you two catching up? I bet you have a lot of time to make up for,” Darian said from a few feet behind them. She was carrying the cake that Anne had made. It was simply decorated.

Anne jerked away from Finn and looked at her aunt.

Darian turned her head back to look at her daughter and grandson, who were out in the living room. “It was so great having you here again, Finn. I wish …” Darian sighed, almost to herself, without finishing her sentence.

Anne knew exactly what her aunt wished for—for Finn and Avery to get back together. Who could blame her?

Finn straightened up in his chair. Anne was sure that whatever happened under the table in his pants, her aunt’s arrival had killed it.

“You made this?” he asked, looking at the cake then at her.


“It’s beautiful.”


“I bet it tastes great, too.”

She felt her face flushing. Why did everything he said sound like sex in her ears? She was going to hell. There was no doubt about it. But what a way to go!

It was all a fog after that. She didn’t even remember eating dessert. All she remembered was excusing herself, kissing her parents goodbye, and getting into her car.

She closed the front door of her house after her, knowing that Finn would be there soon. She couldn’t breathe until she would be in his arms.
