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Chapter 14

She was in his arms the moment her front door closed behind him. He pulled the string of her wrap dress like he had longed to do all evening, pushed his hands into her cleavage, and cupped her bra-covered breasts. He took his shirt off and had her with the dress still around her waist and her legs wrapped around him, lying on her back at the edge of the bed with him standing between her legs before she could utter more than his name. He held on to her hips and was inside her just as he fantasized all throughout dinner.

They were frantic that night. If he couldn’t yet announce to the world that Jane was his, he’d make her his again, and again, and again when they were alone. It was a four-day weekend, and he had until Sunday to do it. On Sunday, they would get the ball rolling.

The next morning they planned it out over a late breakfast.

“At least, after last night, it’d be easier for me to excuse myself from attending Sunday lunch at my aunt’s with everyone,” Jane said, stirring her second cup of coffee while leaning against the counter. “I’ll go to my parents’ after they get back from Darian’s and tell my dad and ask him to help with my mom. She’s not going to take it well.”

They decided that, on Monday, when Max would be safe in Blueshore, Finn would drive to Riviera View to talk to Avery. Let her make a scene without Max there, hoping she would have an entire week to blow off steam until she saw him again. In the meantime, he would prepare Max.

They would have to do it like that. There was no point in waiting anymore. That dinner had proven it. Throughout it, their secret had weighed like a boulder on his chest.

With the planning out of the way, the only thing left was to enjoy the quiet before the storm.

Sunday seemed far off on a Friday afternoon. It was almost as if they were a couple who didn’t have to rely on a few stolen hours. They cuddled on the couch in the little house that became their cocoon. They gave up driving to Blueshore. Everything they needed was right here. They spoke for hours, cooked together, and she showed him her Etsy shop.They went through pictures on his phone and hers, glimpses into her life—Bella, the cakes, the house in Cincinnati, Uriel the cat, the kids next door, and even Tom. He showed her pictures of Max, of swim meets, of vacations he had taken him on.

He had never been happier.

On Saturday afternoon, they lay in bed on their sides, facing each other. He traced his fingers over the outline of her face, caressing the Anne of now and the Jane of then, the woman he had dreamed of for so long, and the real one who was here in his arms.

“I don’t want this to end,” she said, trailing her fingers along his tattoo.

He was about to say, “We won’t let it,” when the doorbell rang.

Jane’s hand froze on his arm. Their gazes were linked, and he could see the alarm in the dark brown of her eyes.

They sat up, and she grabbed a robe. Quickly tying it, she brushed her fingers through her disheveled hair and went to the door. He closed the bedroom door and tried to recall in what state they had left the living room and kitchen.

“Sweetheart, did I wake you? I took my walk. You know, with all this food, I had to walk. Your father didn’t want to come. Better yet, he’s too slow for me. Anyway, I saw your car parked in the garage and figured you were home. How’s Bella? I hope she’s not too mad at us for stealing you on Thursday.”

Linda’s voice was loud and cheery. He hardly heard Jane’s voice when she replied. He did hear Linda’s voice again, though, when she said, “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll let you rest. We have lunch tomorrow, and you have to come. Poor Darian tried to convince Noah to come at least for that, but he declined. These kids are so stubborn. I think Fernando has to step in there. That’s no way for a family to be.”

Most of all, Finn felt sorry for Max. He knew that everyone was trying to make the holiday fun for him, and he had his new VR, which he had shown him over a video call, a call Finn had to answer only after finding a white wall to lean against so nothing of Jane’s house would be caught on camera. But some of this must affect the atmosphere around Max. There wasn’t a day Finn didn’t bless the fact that he had his son growing up with him. He thought of the following weekend. He’d have to prepare Max to deal with Avery.

“Mom, I texted you, and I meant it.” Jane’s voice coming from the living room was unwavering. “I exchanged that lunch for dinner. And I can’t be there every time she requires cushioning. I’ll see you at home when you’re back from lunch.”

Linda murmured something, and next, he heard byes and the door closing.

He stepped out. Jane was leaning against the front door.

“I can’t take this anymore,” she said when she saw him. “Feeling like I’m doing something wrong, cheating.”

“It’ll be over soon.” He took her in his arms.

On Sunday, Jane was on pins and needles, and although he was nervous, too, Finn got himself into the same mindset that he’d had before important meets. Though this was no competition, and no medals awaited, this was one of the most important things in his life, and his prize was the love of his life.

He imagined the finish line, that black mark on the touchpad at the far end of the pool, and he aimed for it. Any effort, any muscle burn, any painful breath were all part of getting there.

Jane hardly ate anything, and since they had spent a lot of energy, at noon, he went into the kitchen to make her his pasta primavera.

“Have you decided?” he called from the kitchen. He had offered to go with her to her parents’ if she thought it would help, and she had only said, “Maybe.” The time was getting near, so he had repeated his question while she tidied up the living room. They had knocked down a jar of dirty paintbrush water while going at it in the living room before.

He felt at home. Music played from his phone—a mixed playlist of pop, rock, and country, and the vegetables he was stir-frying hissed in the pan. He could see them bringing Max there, too.

“What?” he called when he heard Jane’s voice.

She didn’t reply, but the next thing she said pelted his heart against his rib cage.
