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Midge arrived with Zane’s beer. Bryce put up two fingers. “A couple more, please. And whatever the lady wants.”

“A virgin piña colada, please.”

“Virgin?” Zane raised his eyebrows.

“I don’t drink on the job. And this is a business meeting, is it not?” She turned her attention to Danny. “I thought we were going to discuss a prescreening event for Zane’s film?”

“Yes. We definitely want to talk about that. Thanks for considering it on such short notice. Time got away from me, and I dropped the ball.”

She nodded and pulled some papers out of her bag to thumb through, licking her finger with each pass of paper. She stopped at what looked like the schedule for the festival. “His film is showing Friday night at nine o’clock at the cove.” She looked up. “I suggest we do something right on the beach then. How about a bonfire?”

“I like that,” Zane said.

“Great. Give me a day or two to make some arrangements, and I’ll get back to you.” She relaxed in her chair. “That was easy. Is there anything else?”

“Actually, there is.” Danny leaned forward, elbows on the table, hands clasped under his chin. “But first, how are you? No lingering side effects from this afternoon?”

Her cheeks reddened and she looked at her lap. “I’m fine. Thank you for asking.”

“It seems you’re the talk of the town,” Bryce said.

“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” She adjusted her eyeglasses on the bridge of her small, slightly upturned nose and, under long black lashes, slid her gaze from Bryce to him. Zane got caught in those green eyes of hers until Bryce cleared his throat.

“I’m really sorry about what happened today,” Zane said.

“Don’t give it a second thought.” She sat taller. “I haven’t.”

“The guys tell me you’ve agreed to be Zane’s date tomorrow night,” Bryce said.

“Here you go, sweetie.” Midge put Sophie’s drink in front of her. “And if these boys give you any more of a hard time, you just wave me over and I’ll take care of them.” She gave Zane a little smack on the side of the head. “Virgin.”

“Thank you,” Sophie said, and the smile she gave Midge creased her eyes with genuine warmth. It vanished when she turned to Bryce. “I did agree, but I’m not sure how much free time I’ll have.” She looked around the table. “Oh, that’s the something else, isn’t it? You’ve found a better option. That’s perfectly okay. I get it.” She waved a hand in the air. “No worries about me.”

“That’s not it at all,” Danny said.

“Oh,” she whispered, and Zane had no idea if she was relieved, disappointed, or curious. He liked the sound of her voice but had trouble deciphering her tone.

“If possible, we’d like you to be Zane’s guest at his screening as well.” Bryce gave her one of his persuasive smiles, lips only slightly parted, his attention zeroed in on her like saying no to what he had to say would be ridiculous.

She scrunched up her nose and slid her drink closer to her chest. Zane hadn’t noticed before, but the dress clung to her small breasts rather nicely. “I’m sure Zane has his pick of dates. If this is because of the surf lesson, please stop worrying about that.”

“Can I be honest?” Bryce said.

“I should hope you’re always honest.”

Zane chuckled.

“Zane’s reputation hasn’t been all that great lately, and we’re hoping to change that.” Bryce cut him a quick amenable look so Sophie would know he was in on the game plan, Zane guessed. “We believe we have a golden opportunity here to use what happened earlier today and expand on your relationship with Zane. With a nice girl like you on his arm instead of the regular types he attracts, everyone will see another side to him. A more harmless side.”

“You…want…” Sophie’s hand shook and she knocked over her drink, the pale yellow slush landing in Zane’s lap. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry.” She got up like she planned to help wipe him off, the cloth napkin in her hand headed for south of the safety zone.

She whipped her arm back when she realized where she was going and sat back down.

Zane had never been doused with anything virgin before. “It’s okay,” he said, wiping his shorts off and trying not to show his amusement.

“You’re laughing at me.”

“No, I’m really not.” He bit the inside of his cheek to stop the grin from spreading.
