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Sophie tried to tame the smile on her face. Didn’t work. “It’s my amygdala’s fault.”

Honor frowned. “Your what?”

Snap.She’d said that out loud. “The amygdala is the part of the brain involved in emotions such as happiness. It’s buried in the cerebrum, so that’s probably why you haven’t heard of it.”

“Or science was my worst subject in school.” Honor narrowed her eyes. “You’re smarter than you look, aren’t you?”

“I love you,” Sophie said, flinging her arms around Honor’s neck in a quick hug. No one had ever thought her anything but nerdy-looking, and Honor’s implication that she didn’t look like she was all brain power thrilled her. Sophie was about to mention her previous employment when her cell phone buzzed. Worried it might be work-related, she raced to grab it.

She glanced at the screen and sighed. Her amygdala lost its pep. It was her mother. She debated whether or not to answer, but if she didn’t, her mom would just keep trying. “Hi, Mom.” Sophie slid the dressing room curtain shut and sat on the tiny satin-covered ottoman.

“Sophie Rose, why haven’t I heard from you today? Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine. How are you?” She heard her mom exhale in relief.

“I’m good now that I hear your voice.” Conservative, strict, but full of love for Sophie, Sarah Birch couldn’t cut her overprotective ties no matter how many times Sophie told her she was fine on her own. “What are you doing? Getting ready for the festival opening tonight?”

“You caught me shopping for something new to wear.”

“Oh, I wish I were there to help. Remember, a flared skirt is the best way to create the illusion of hips.”

“I know, Mom.” Sophie smoothed a hand down the shiny material of the dress.

“And you have such pretty shoulders, so you should show those off. But nothing low-cut or too short.”

Sophie chewed on her thumbnail. “Got it. Hey, I need to finish up, so I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, sweetie. Good luck tonight.”

“Thanks. Bye.” Sophie ended the call and looked down at the V-neck dress. It wasn’t like she’d fall out of something no matter how low-cut, but she pulled the pretty garment over her head and moved to the next one.

After narrowing it down to two dresses, Sophie decided on one of Ivy’s designs. A breezy, off-shoulder sundress in a beautiful emerald color that reminded Sophie of photos of tropical oceans. She loved the ruffled neckline, eyelet cutouts, and flowy A-line shape. Pretty, not too sexy. Not that she’d ever thought herself capable of sexy.

“Zane is going to love you in that,” Honor said.

“I’m not so sure about that, but I did feel good in it. Thanks for insisting we do this.”

Sophie placed the dress on the register counter.MaybeZane would compliment her if someone were nearby to eavesdrop. Otherwise, she doubted he’d notice much about her at all. She’d accepted her looks a long time ago and liked herself very much. One day she’d meet a man who loved her red hair and thin frame and freckles.

Honor bumped her side. “My pleasure. And do not cut yourself short. You’re going to look hot.”

Hot as someone feverish. Because despite her mind’s protest, she’d fallen for Zane a little bit. That’s what she did. Crushed in less than ten minutes. A terrible habit she needed to break before it broke her. She’d quickly grown infatuated with lots of boys back in college. Most heartbreaking had been Henry Clark, with his blond hair, blue eyes, and inquisitive mind. But he wanted nothing more than to copy her notes when he missed class because he’d been out too late the night before.

Ivy rang up the dress and then showed Sophie two pairs of lacy bras and panties in white and lavender. “I thought maybe you’d like some pretty undergarments, too?”

“Um, okay.” Sophie dressed conservatively, but underneath her clothing, she liked to rebel. Well, at least she had twice. Once for boyfriend number one and once for boyfriend number two. Neither had seemed impressed, and the relationships were so short-lived that she hadn’t bothered again.

“How about a manicure and pedicure?” Honor looked at her hands. “I could so use some pampering.”

Sophie glanced at her polish-free fingers. “Sure. Why not?” She had a feeling Honor had planned this all along, but she didn’t mind in the least. Without her friend’s prompting, Sophie would still be back in her hotel room or maybe sitting alone by the pool.

“I’ll call Maggie and let her know you guys are coming over.” Ivy picked up the phone. Her nails were painted with a pink French tip and Sophie decided she wanted the same.

“Maggie?” Sophie said.

“Ivy’s sister,” Honor answered. “She owns Pretty in Pink, the best place to get your nails done around here. Oh, and during the summer, Monday is Margarita Monday. They’re mini, so don’t worry.”

“She serves drinks? Does she have a liquor license for that?”
