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“No idea.” His gaze raked down her body and back up again. “You look crippler.”

She smiled, even though she had no idea what that meant. Everything that came out of Zane’s mouth made her giddy. “I hope that means something good.”

He canted his head so his mouth grazed her ear. “It means pretty.”

Her legs wobbled, and he caught her around the waist. “You get prettier every time I see you, Sophie.”

She felt prettier every time he said things like that. “Th-thank you.”

“I want to dance with you,” he whispered.


Zane took a step back. He lifted her hand and spun her until she was pressed up against his chest. Both his hands moved to the small of her back. Her arms went around his neck. And they slow-danced to the soft, mellow music spilling from the speakers up onstage.

Sophie almost couldn’t breathe, being in Zane’s arms like this. She didn’t care what the reason was for being there—for show or not—she didn’t want the music to stop.

Their bodies lined up in all the right places, and she felt…she felt like she belonged there. Because there was no place else she’d rather be than slow-dancing on a beach with the sexiest, sweetest, most attentive man she’d ever been with. She laid her head on his shoulder and imagined the night lasting forever.

She also liked how her body flooded with new-to-her sensations. Pulses that caressed the insides of her thighs. Trembles that rolled down her sides. Raw, addictive need that made her head swim with thoughts of him touching her.

Another gentle breeze made her keenly aware of where her dress hit mid-thigh. She shivered.

“You okay?” he said.

“Fine.” Times a million.

“Zane, a picture?” a man said from behind her.

The spell broke. She dropped her arms and took a big step back. Zane grabbed her hand, keeping her semi-close, and even though no one else was around them, she wondered if he’d danced with her to get caught. To help his reputation.

“Hey, Chris,” Zane said, obviously knowing the man with a camera around his neck. “That depends on Sophie. What do you say, Sophie?”

So surprised by Zane’s genuine demeanor and putting the decision on her, she really had no idea what to say.

“Chris Lawson,” the guy said, extending his hand. “With theSurf Times.”

“And a friend,” Zane added, letting go of her.

“Hello.” Sophie used a firm grip as they shook hands.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Chris looked back and forth between them as he adjusted his camera strap. “But I couldn’t let an opportunity like this go by.” He smiled the kind of smile Sophie was sure garnered him plenty of photo ops.


She looked at Zane. He’d been photographed with countless women, so it was no wonder this was no big deal. She, on the other hand, had never been in the same picture with someone like him. Heck, she’d never gone to prom or homecoming, so she didn’t even have those types of pictures. If this photo popped up in theSurf Times, she’d have to buy a few dozen extra copies to take home with her.


Zane flashed that dimple of his, and the corners of her mouth pretty much lifted as high as they could go. He put an arm around her, and Chris took the picture. He asked her a couple of questions afterward, even though she got the impression he knew exactly who she was. Given her job with the film festival and her near-drowning experience with Zane, a lot of the local media did.

“Thanks. Enjoy the rest of your night.” Chris waved and headed down the beach toward the stage.

“Nice,” Bryce said, coming up beside them. Sophie had forgotten all about him and mentally shook herself. “Thanks, Sophie.”

“Of course.” She smoothed down her dress and gave Bryce a pained smile. “I, uh, think I’ll head back to my hotel now. Everything seems to be going smoothly here. Good night.”

“I’ll walk you,” Zane said.
