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“Mmm…your hair smells good,” he added.

The hand at her waist slid down her hip, down her thigh, and the urge to hike up her dress and spread her legs was so strong that if she didn’t break contact, she was going to moan his name and beg him to touch her. To take his fingers and stroke her, enter her.

She spun around and tried to back up, but the window got in the way. Arms straight at her sides, she flattened her palms against the cool glass to keep from reaching for him. BecauseYUM. He wore a white linen button-down, jeans, and tousled dirty-blond hair that took sexy to a whole new level.

He smirked, and his eyes did a slow rake down her body.

“Cancel tonight,” he said, thankfully keeping what little space there was between them.


“Because.” He leaned forward with his hand on the window above her head. His lips came close to hers, and her legs shook. “You are going to distract me all night in that dress, and every man here isn’t going to be able to take his eyes off you.”

“That’s ridicu—”

He pressed a finger to her mouth. “I don’t know what kind of men you associate with in Montana, but they’re all fools for not digging on you.”

She giggled. The song “Diggin’ On You” popped into her head, releasing some of the tension coiled up inside her. She ducked under his arm.

“What’s so funny?” he said.

“You know that’s a song, right? I’m diggin’ on you, you diggin’ on me…” She tried to carry the right tune but was pretty sure she failed.

“Really?” He stepped toward her; she stepped back.

“You knew.”

“I didn’t.” He inched closer. She inched away. And the back of her calves hit the couch. She plopped down.

She scooted the hem of her dress down and tried to appear calm and collected. He sat next to her. Near enough for her to breathe that scent of his that should be outlawed.

“We should discuss this evening,” she said, getting them on the topic of work and his image. Staring at his chiseled face, it was easy to see why girls fell all over him. And she imagined his shenanigans stemmed from the issues he’d had with his father and having the freedom he did at such a young age. The man sitting beside her now had so much to offer, and she’d help him however she could.

“Canceling is out then?” One corner of his mouth lifted.

“It is. And oh my gosh, I’m sorry I forgot to say thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful, Zane. Thank you.”

His eyes softened and she almost leaned into him.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you were with me today.”

“Me, too. And don’t worry, none of that is on the table tonight.”

“I appreciate it.” He shifted, and even though he’d added very little space between them, in that split second, it felt like miles.

“Okay, well, the mayor will be here tonight, as well as several city council members and their spouses. A reporter from the local paper and the athletic director from the local high school round out the group.”

“That’s impressive. Thanks.”

“We’ll keep things casual. Eat. Drink. And then I thought we’d sit down in here for the question-and-answer. This afternoon while confirming with everyone, I made a few suggestions on topics and included SHE.” Sophie had heard the nonprofit mentioned on the beach this morning and had had a quick phone conversation with Danny about it.

She watched his chest rise and fall.

“The ambassador position. It’s important to you?”

“Yeah. I want it bad.” He broke eye contact.

“But?” She could see the big old “but” sitting on his shoulders and weighing on him. The stupid thing dragged his posture down right before her eyes. She took his hand. “Zane? You know you can tell me anything and I’ll keep it confidential.”
