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“I, uh, yeah.” He couldn’t help laughing at the question on one of the cards in his hand. “Sorry, someone stuck this deck into the wrong box. I’ll go check for another one.”

Sophie’s hand stopped him from putting the deck back inside the box. “That’s okay. We can still play, right? I see numbers.”

Her hand trembled, just a tiny bit, but her gaze fixed right on him with determination. And who was he to deny her a game of Naughty Go Fish?

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.” She scooted to the edge of the couch, her back straight, her hands pressed into her lap.

Zane shuffled and dealt seven cards to each of them. He watched her fan hers out and rearrange them, her slim fingers delicate but capable, efficient. He wondered what else she could do with them. She also did some truth-or-dare silent reading if the deeper pink in her cheeks and neck were any indication.

“Ladies first,” he said.

She peeked at him over the top of her cards. “Have any sixes?”

“Go fish. Have any tens?”

“Go fish. Do you have any…twos?”

He slowly handed over a two, making sure to do so with the dirty question side up so she could read what was on the card with him. He’d definitely like to truth-or-dare her this one.

“Have any jacks?” she asked, her voice throaty as she slipped the two into the middle of her cards.

“No.” He waited until she picked a card from the pile on the coffee table and looked up at him before he added, “And I think we should make this game a little more interesting.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“How about when we ask for a card and get it, we also have to pick the truth-or-dare?” He wanted to know her better. Wanted to know things no one else knew, and this was his chance.

“Okay,” she whispered. A little breathy. A lot sexy. He stirred behind his zipper. How would she sound if he hiked up that dress of hers and slid his thumb over her panties? Dipped his fingers underneath the material to touch her? Then lowered his head to taste her?

“Have any aces?” he asked, his voice a little rough.

She shook her head. “Have any sevens?”

“Two of them.” He pulled them from his cards. “Truth or dare, sweetness?”

“Truth,” she said without hesitation. She folded her cards in her lap and gave him her full attention.

“Have you ever done a striptease for your special someone?”

“No.” She took the sevens from him and let out a breath. “That was easy. Any fours?”

“Go fish. Have any sixes?” He knew she did.

She smiled. “Truth or dare?”

“I’ll match your truth.”

“What part of the opposite sex’s body do you find the most erotically fascinating?” She handed him the card.

“Hmm.” He rubbed the back of his hand across his chin. “I find many parts of a woman’s body fascinating, but I’ll go with mouth to keep a PG rating here.”

“You think I can only handle PG?” She crossed her arms over her chest and sounded offended. “Because you don’t have to be afraid of embarrassing me. I’m notthatinnocent, you know.”

“Okay, truth or dare?” He eyed the cards in his hand.

