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“Those are usually the most important. First impressions and casual chats can seal a deal before a deal’s even been brought to the table. Just be you and they’ll see how much you want to use surfing to make the world a better place.”

Zane ran his free hand through his unruly, sexy hair. “I’m trying like hell not to be nervous,” he admitted.

“Maybe I can help? Just plant a few things in your mind that you can useifyou need them. Because you really can do this, Zane.”


“Well, considering oceans cover approximately seventy-two percent of the earth’s surface, the potential for surf activism is huge. SHE’s the biggest nonprofit, right? And they’ve been around for how long?”

“Twenty-five years.”

“A lot has changed in twenty-five years. Are you on Twitter or Instagram?” He shook his head. “Facebook?”

“Danny’s set up a fan page or something.”

“You’ve got a gazillion fans, Zane, young and old. But I’ve seen how much kids get the biggest smile out of you. And I know it’s cliché, but kids are our future. How do you get them involved? Through social media. Make yourself and SHE accessible. Encourage them to tweet, message on their walls, post pictures on Instagram. Create events around them. They’ll bring their parents. Their parents will tell their friends. One of SHE’s main goals is to promote natural healing, right? My cousin’s daughter has cystic fibrosis and she’s been taking her to a woman who uses swimming as a natural treatment and it’s really helped not only her body, but also her mind. I wonder what putting her in the ocean would do.”

Zane closed his eyes for a moment.

“Sorry. I got a little carried away there.”

“No, don’t be sorry. Don’t ever be sorry for sharing your ideas or saying what you feel.”

“Okay. So…are you anxious about showing your film tonight?” Her one foray into filmmaking had been for a journalism class in college, and she’d been so worried about peer reaction. Thanks to the rest of her group, the project had been a success.

He took a breath—a replenishing breath, Sophie thought. “Nah. We’ve screened it a couple of times already and the response has been amazing, so I’m more mando than anything else.”


“Feeling totally cool about it.”

“Need a surfing fan for your next film?” She put her palm on his very fine chest and rubbed up and down.

He covered her hand with his to stop her momentum. “If you’re anywhere near my next film it won’t be as a fan.”

“No? What would you make me do?” She tilted her head to the side.

“You sure you want me to answer that right here with the theater staff all watching us?”

She jumped back and turned to find that yes, it seemed she and Zane were on display this morning. And from the grins on the one-two-three-four older faces staring around the front entrance, they were enjoying themselves.

“Bye, Zane.” She gave him a nod and strode away, keenly aware that his eyes were on her backside. She put an extra wiggle in her walk because freaking Zane Hollander wanted to enjoy her. And she’d never been more full of life.

Chapter Nine

“I like the way you think, son,” SHE’s co-founder and executive director, Jon Waldron, said. “And I think you’ve got great potential to lead this newer breed of surf nonprofiteers.” He got up from the poolside table at the White Strand Inn and extended his arm.

Zane, Bryce, and Danny stood. Zane shook the man’s hand. “Thanks, Jon. You have no idea what it means to me to be part of the movement fueling surf philanthropy in our own backyard and globally.”

“It’s been great to meet you in person and put aside the rumors that gave us pause. I can see you’re a man of integrity,” Jon said, shaking hands with Bryce and Danny, too. “My partner and better half arrives tomorrow. Lunch again?”

“Absolutely,” Zane said. “And we’ve got a seat reserved for you at the screening tonight if you’d like to attend.”

“I’ll walk you out.” Bryce stepped around the table. “And give you the details.”

“Great.” Jon smiled and gave Zane a nod.

“Dude.” Danny slapped him on the back as soon as Bryce and Jon were out of view. “That could not have gone any better.”
