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She rushed a hand to cover the teensy bit of cleavage left exposed by the button-down silk shirt.

“Too late,” he teased, eyes lazily lifting to meet hers. “Are your panties black too?”

Holy snap peas. Was this how things would be now that they’d kissed? Was he hinting at wanting more? Maybe he’d slept on it and decided to forget the gentlemanly thing and take things further.

“Yes.” She stuck her neck out, just a little bit, and inhaled his delicious scent.

“Did you just sniff me?”

“You smell good.”

He lowered his head and, with his lips grazing that delicate spot under her earlobe, said, “You do, too, and I want to breathe in every part of you.”

Unthinking, she fisted the front of his shirt to keep herself upright. Quivers tobogganed down her body, surging and spreading to all her girl parts. “I don’t know what to say to that,” she murmured.

“You don’t have to say anything.”

She buried her face in the crook of his neck. That seemed like a good move. He held her in place and her mind buzzed once again with the crazy notion that she was right where she belonged. The cable car wrenched to a stop, breaking them apart.

“This is me,” she said.

“Need an escort?”

“Sure. I’m going to the Town Stage Theater.”

They hopped off the ride with most everyone else. Zane nodded toward the sea and a dirt path. “Down that walkway, there’s a great beach for sunbathers and swimmers. The tide breaks far from shore and the backwash is tame, so it’s a good place to bring kids, too.”

“Is there any part of the coastline you don’t know?” Sophie asked.

“A spot or two.” He picked up her hand and they walked toward the beautiful Spanish-style landmark theater.

“Zane, what are we doing?”

“Enjoying each other.”

“Until we say good-bye?” Three more days. That’s all they had, and she was definitely on board with making them count.

“Until then, yeah.” He faltered over theyeah. “And before I forget, if you see Tuck Mitchell, keep away from him. You’re right up his alley.”

She chuckled. “So I’ve been told. Honor warned me about him. He’s her great-uncle.”



“I guess you don’t have to warn Honor, then.”

Sophie laughed again. They stopped at the entrance to the theater and she took a moment to soak it in. The lush landscape caught gleaming sunlight through the large palm tree fronds that loomed like mushroom caps atop the tall trunks. Flowers flourished up the walkway and the sweet scents of varied blossoms, most notably jasmine, filled her senses.

“What are you up to today?” she asked, not quite ready to let go of his hand.

“Hanging with the surf team later this morning. A meeting with the co-founder of SHE for lunch, and then I’ll see you at the bonfire and screening tonight.”

She squeezed his hand. “You don’t need any luck, but I’ll say it anyway. Good luck with your meeting.”

“Thanks. This one’s just an informal meet-in-person kind of thing.”
