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“Yeah, until you ate it.”

“Everyone eats it.”

“Zane Hollander doesn’t.”

“Bet he did when he was our age.”

“Whoa, it’s him.”

Silence filled the walkway as one by one the boys noticed Zane. Zane lifted his chin in greeting. They clamored to be the first to reach him in the narrow alleyway.

They were adorable. Every one of them with their colorful board shorts, sunburned noses, and uncombed hair. Awe and admiration sparkled in their wide eyes.

“Hi, Mr. Hollander,” rang out from each of them.

“It’s Zane, guys. And this is Sophie.”

“Hi,” she said, thrilled that Zane introduced her. Every time her name fell from his lips, it was like swallowing a happy pill.

“We’re big fans of yours,” one of the boys said.

“Thanks. I appreciate that. And just so you know, I wiped out plenty when I was your age.” Zane smiled and five young faces smiled back.

“I wish we had a pen to get your autograph.”

“I’ll be at station four later today. Come find me.”

“Cool!” “We’ll be there.” “Okay!” “Thanks a lot.” “Awesome.” The group slipped by and resumed their animated conversation.

“He is so badass.”

“I can’t believe we just met him.”

“He’s like a legend.”

Zane chuckled. “Great. Not even twenty-eight and I’m a legend.” He leaned back in and nuzzled her neck now that the coast was clear.

Her heart did a little tap dance. “Badass legend.”

He laughed harder. “There is that.”

“Yo, dude,” Danny called down the alley. “We need to roll.”

She blinked up at him as he lifted away and let out a breath she’d like to think was in frustration. “The winning team gets five thousand dollars for their favorite charity,” she said.

“Very true. So, tonight. Dinner at my place?” He ran a hand through his hair like he was nervous, and she wondered if he seriously thought she might say no.

“I’d like that.” She tried not to grin too broadly. “How’s eight?”

“Too far away, but I’ll take it.”

Sophie stood outside Zane’s front door at two minutes to eight and read Honor’s text.You remembered the condoms I gave you, right?

Condoms. Plural. Her cheeks heated and she blushed for the potted plant beside her. She’d been so nervous about tonight that she’d asked Honor to help her get ready. Her friend had taken it further and brought over a beautiful silver strapless dress for Sophie to borrow. It fell in a breezy shape to the tops of her knees.

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