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He smiled. “Trust me. It’s killing me not to lift that sexy dress and take you right this second.” He dropped his arm. “But we have all night. Come in the kitchen and let me feed you first.”

“What if I said I wasn’t hungry?” She trailed after him. Holy Toledo! He wanted her right this very second? Even her toes were tingling now.

“You will be once you see what I’ve got for you.”

Okay, he had her curious about something besides his body now. No, not besides—in addition to. Maybe she could eat whatever it was off his very sexy abs?

The kitchen smelled delicious. Two place settings were arranged on the kitchen island, and he pulled out one of the barstools for her. Their arms brushed. His breath tickled her neck. She went a little weak.

“Rachel from the Beach Café was nice enough to help me with some ingredients and a recipe for a special meal,” Zane said, grabbing a potholder off the counter and opening the oven. He pulled out a plate and brought it to her, carefully putting it on the place mat. “She was one of the chefs in the Battle of the Burger competition.”

“I remember.” She remembered every second she’d spent with Zane. “And thank you. No one’s ever cooked for me before.”

“You’re welcome. We’ve got lamb chops with a huckleberry chutney sauce, mashed potatoes, and sautéed spinach.”

Sophie’s mouth fell open. She loved huckleberries.

“I told her you were from Montana and asked if she had any ideas that would remind you of home.”

Tears filled the backs of her eyes. “Zane,” she muttered, blinking away the emotion his gesture prompted. “This is one of the nicest things anyone’s ever done for me.”

His face lit with pleasure, and he went to get his plate. She watched him, and when he sat down with their knees touching, she leaned over and kissed his cheek.

“It’s the huckleberries, right?” he asked.

She nodded. “They’re big in Montana. I could eat them nonstop. They’re sweet and juicy and really good. Have you ever had them?”

“This is my first time.” He gave her a crooked smile that showed off his dimple before turning his head to cut into his meal. He took a bite. “Not bad.” But the way he said it sounded more like, “This is awesome.”

Happy he liked his first taste, Sophie dug into her own meal.

“I had a great lunch with Jon Waldron and his wife today.”

“Is it official?” She had no doubt Zane would be SHE’s ambassador. Everything about him, most notably his heart where giving back was concerned, shone and touched everyone within shouting distance.

“Not yet. But unofficially?”

She put her fork down and twisted to give him her full attention. He took another bite of his food, delaying his news and making her crazy. “Zane, tell me already.”

“They want me to start in October.”

“Congratulations!” Unthinking, she leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. The second their lips touched, she meant it to be a quick kiss in cheers, but when she pulled away, Zane palmed the back of her head and brought her in for a deeper kiss.

An enthusiastic kiss.

A kiss that felt different from their other kisses.

More voracious. More wolfish.

The sweetest sensations ever rolled through her as his lips crushed against hers and his tongue twined with hers and then…then his other hand caressed her thigh.

She did a gaspy, moany thing. He groaned and let her go.

“Jesus,” he rasped.

“Mmm,”she murmured, liking that for the first time ever, he seemed out of control. From kissing her. Her head swam at that. Peeking at him under heavily lidded eyes, she wondered what would happen when they went past all the kissing to other things.

“Sorry about that. Got a little carried away.” He put his arms on the counter on either side of his plate.
