Page 87 of Making the Play

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“Yep. Here you go.” She hands me the fruit.

“Thanks… What are you doing?” I ask, making a face.

“Dipping string cheese in Nutella.” She looks up at me. “Do not yuck my yum. It’s delish. Here, try some.” She waggles the cheese in front of me, knowing full well there’s no chance I’m tasting that combo.

God, I love eating in bed with her.

“What’s that noise?”

Shit. Calvin’s early. Or more likely I’m late, too caught up in Chloe to notice the time. I inwardly smile. Before Webster, I was selfish with my time. Happy to be alone and abide by no one’s schedule but my own. Not anymore. She’s brought balance to my world, on most days at least. She accepts there are times when I’m wrapped up inmyend goal: being the best pro baseball player I can be.

“It sounds like a helicopter,” she says, turning her head to glance out the window.

“It is.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “Is there a helicopter landing on your baseball diamond?”


“Please tell me you are not having deliveries made like this.”

I laugh. More in love than ever with this down-to-earth, smart, kind human being. “No delivery.” I put my banana aside. Her plate, too. And gather her hands in mine. “Chloe, you know how we’ve talked about a certain amount of risk involved in falling in love and that there are no guarantees?”

“Yes,” she says cautiously.

“And how you’re still not 100 percent certain I’m not going to bump into my soul mate at the gas station?”

That earns me a speck of a smile. “Yes.”

“I have a solution.”


“The helicopter is waiting for us. It’s going to fly us to Vegas.” I release her hands, slide off the bed, and get down on one knee.

Her hand flies to her mouth.

“Chloe Webster Conrad, you are the love of my life. You turned my world upside down from the moment we met. Your laugh is my favorite sound. Your smile is my favorite sight. The wild berry shampoo stuff you use on your hair is my favorite smell.”

She giggles.

“You’re the one person I can’t live without. And I want to be the one person you can’t live without. Will you elope with me?”

“You want to marry me right now?”


“Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”

Her big, beautiful eyes grow glassy. “What about your family? Are you sure they—”

“They love you. But even if they didn’t. I do, and that’s all that matters. I love you more than I thought possible. More than any other human and more than my favorite sport. Your strength is my strength. Your dreams are my dreams. I want to keep growing closer and discovering new things to love about each other. Which for the record will be much easier for me than for you.” She giggles and wipes at the tear sliding down the side of her cheek. “You’ve trusted me with your heart, Chloe, and I promise to cherish it and keep it safe for the rest of my life. So, what do you say? We Vegas bound?”

“YES!” She tackles me, knocking me over and kissing my entire face. Her reaction takes the sting out of my shoulder. We roll on the floor for a minute, exchanging ‘I love you’ over and over again.

Once we’re upright, we get properly dressed, throw some clothes into a bag, and grab our toothbrushes. “I’ll need to buy a dress when we get there,” Chloe says.
