Page 4 of Grumpy Santa

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“The town council wants to put an outlet mall up on your property. They just need to stall for three more months, and the land is theirs. As soon as they heard you intended to make a last-minute bid to claim your inheritance, they hatched a plan to thwart your efforts.”

Anger churned hot and painful in his belly, the three slices of pie he’d eaten now a sharp-edged rock going molten. What the hell was it with people interfering with his life? First Nikki and Josh. Now the townsfolk of North Pole.

He swore under his breath and slid to the edge of the booth. “Thanks for the warning.”

“Wait!” She scooted to the end of her seat and reached out to clutch his cuff. “I think I can help.”

He swiveled to face her across the table. “Why would you do that? Aren’t you part of the North Pole conspiracy to swindle me out of the crappy campground my uncle left me?”

Angelina didn’t flinch. “I adamantly oppose the installation of an outlet mall. I’m against any chain-owned business coming to this area.”

“You said Santa’s Workshop wasn’t a big enough tourist draw. It’s just a matter of time before the town has to let corporate American in to sustain the local economy.”

“Maybe.” She realized her fingers still circled his wrist and let go, leaning back against the booth. “However, I’m not ready to admit defeat. If we work together, I think we can accomplish both of our goals.”

“That’s why you were stalking me.” Sean realized there was more to Angelina than he’d first assumed. She was sexy, funny, and passionate about her hometown, but she was also intelligent, clever, and determined.

If what she said about the town’s intentions to block his claim on North Pole Camping & Cabins, it wouldn’t hurt to hear what she had in mind.

In fact, he thought as he rolled his gaze over her soft curves, it could be quite a pleasure.

Chapter Four

Angelina leaned back in the worn leather executive chair that had come with her tiny office situated in the North Pole Visitors Center, unable to restrain a victorious smile. A week of frantic phone calls and whispered conversations with the womenfolk of North Pole had achieved the desired outcome.

The council’s unofficial campaign to undermine Sean’s renovation plans for his uncle’s campground was officially nixed. When their wives and girlfriends learned of their menfolk’s’ devious, underhanded intentions, they threatened to withhold certain favors until they agreed to play fair. That included providing supplies and labor.

When Angelina told the North Pole ladies what Sean’s plans were for the property, they promised to help in any way possible. For the first time in months, maybe years, North Pole buzzed with excitement.

Something new was coming to town, and if Angelina was right, it could be exactly what the region needed to compete for its wedge of the tourism pie.

Thinking about pie led to thoughts of Sean. Her pulse sped up as she pictured his reaction when she shared the news. He was coming to her place for dinner at six so they could start strategizing for the campground renovation. The timer on her desktop computer read 4:27 p.m. Close enough to quitting time.

She pulled on her quilted down vest, knit cap, and gloves, grabbed her purse, and locked up the office. Stepping into the cold afternoon air, she waved to the volunteers manning the Information Desk. Halloween was just a week away, and already the weatherman was predicting snow.

The one-bedroom bungalow she rented was a few miles outside of town, just past North Pole Camping & Cabins. Her foot slipped off the gas pedal when she saw a backhoe and work crew at the campground’s entrance. Pulling off to the side of the road, she watched through the windshield as Sean directed the workers who appeared to be putting up a new sign. Her heart gave a sad jolt when she realized the wooden arch that had sat over the drive into the campground was gone.

One of the workers said something and pointed toward her car. Sean turned, frowned, then jogged over.

“I thought I was meeting you for dinner,” he said when she rolled down the window.

“What’s this?” she asked.

“Northhaven,” he said defiantly. “Private luxury cabins, wedding facility, and glamping yurts. I’m putting up a new sign. Call it a line in the sand. No one is fucking with my plans this time.”

This time?So, there was more to Sean’s determination to make the campground renovation a success. The vehemence in his tone implied it was personal, not professional. Not for the first time, she wondered if there was a girlfriend back in New York City. He didn’t wear a ring…

“No one will fuck with your plans,” she assured him. “I was going to tell you at dinner, but why wait?”

The fierce expression left his face, replaced by confusion and a touch of embarrassment.

“Do you want to have this conversation now or at my place?” She gave in to the impulse to cover the back of his hand where it rested on the doorframe with her own.

“It can wait,” he said. “But come with me to watch the sign go up. This is just as much your baby as mine.”

A hot mix of pleasure and desire flooded Angelina. She rolled up the window and turned off the car. As soon as she was out of the vehicle, Sean claimed her hand and pulled her toward the campground entrance. Releasing her hand, they stood shoulder to shoulder as the crew assembled and secured the elegant wooden sign—white paint with gilt lettering.


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