Page 5 of Grumpy Santa

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A single word that represented so much. A new class of tourists that would create demand for new businesses and services. Visitors who would come to North Pole, New York, not for Santa’s Workshop, but for a luxurious escape from city life. Well-heeled urbanites who could afford to pay for a rustic experience with all the comforts of a high-end resort in the remote solitude of northern New York. Engaged couples who wanted a unique wedding and romantic honeymoon.

She and Sean had spent every spare minute of the past week together, brainstorming, plotting, strategizing, researching, and developing the concept. She had the vision. He had the means to turn it into reality.

“North Pole doesn’t need another campground,” she’d told him at the diner. “This area has plenty of campgrounds, hotels, even resorts. It doesn’t make sense to restore the campground when there’s so much competition. The way to guarantee your renovation is to create something new. Something people can’t get anywhere else.”

When she revealed her idea for a high-end camping experience, his eyes lit up. The next day they’d met at her house, and she showed him the online portfolio she’d assembled with photos of interior design ideas, luxurious amenities like an onsite chef and massage therapist, and glamorous woodsy weddings. Spurred on by her enthusiasm, Sean had reached out to an architect he knew from grad school who specialized in log cabin design. He already had rough drafts for three different floorplans.

They stayed up late into the night, fueled by excitement and the potential to revitalize not just his uncle’s campground but the entire hamlet. Destination weddings would need seamstresses to adjust wedding dresses, tailors to fit tuxedos, florists, bakers, and chefs. Affluent tourists would demand an attentive staff, and opulent accommodations would require constant maintenance and upkeep.

The best part of their plan was that it didn’t infringe on any of the existing businesses in North Pole. Families would continue to visit Santa’s Workshop and browse the shops on North Pole Drive. Outdoor enthusiasts would still camp and hike and ski and kayak.

North Pole and the surrounding area would retain its small-town vibe and unspoiled natural beauty.

Once the sign was in place, Sean dismissed the work crew. The backhoe was parked for the night, ready to resume work in the morning clearing the dilapidated cabins and office structure. The land had to be cleared before new construction could begin.

North Pole was changing, but in the best way possible.

Angelina felt the warm press of Sean’s arm against hers and trembled.

What other changes did the future hold?

Chapter Five

Six weeks later

“Coy would be proud. You’ve turned his legacy into something amazing.” Ed Gallagher, part-time attorney and part-time Santa, clapped Sean on the shoulder as they gazed around the interior of Northhaven’s first completed cabin.

“From what folks have told me about my uncle, he’d be turning in his grave at the sight of this place.” Sean’s chuckle was bittersweet. He was glad to have learned more about the uncle he never met, thanks to memories shared by the townsfolks but sad he’d never know him personally.

Gruff and obstinate, Coy Pierce has refused any assistance to keep his campground in decent working order, instead letting it go to rot.

“Had to do everything his way,” one shopkeeper had said.

“Always wanted to be the one in control,” another had said.

That was the direction Sean had been headed in after Nikki and Josh’s betrayal. Escaping to northern New York and claiming his inheritance was a bid to reclaim control of his life. Instead, it had spiraled out of control beautifully. He’d found new purpose and a new challenge. He’d made new friends and was creating a new life.

He’d also found love again. Although, the more he pondered his feelings for Angelina, the more convinced he became that he’d never really loved Nikki in the first place. Not real love. Not the intense emotion that made his heart swell every time he saw Angelina or heard her voice. Not the feeling that nothing else mattered except her.

As Sean raked and shoveled and hauled brush in the forty-degree November air, he’d come to realize he’d been so busyplanninglife that he hadn’t been doing a whole lot oflivinglife. All of that had changed, thanks to his ex-fiancee’s infidelity.

Sometimes he thought about sending Nikki a thank-you card. Or maybe it should go to Josh.

He was spending less and less time thinking about his old life and focusing on his new life. He and Angelina continued to make plans for Northhaven, but they hadn’t talked about their future.

Sean felt no need to rush things with Angelina, even though he’d been attracted to her the first time he laid eyes on her. He didn’t want to plan a seduction or negotiate relationship terms. He was content to let things unfold naturally, although it was becoming more difficult to resist pulling her into his arms and pleading to make love with her.

He had a feeling it would happen soon. Maybe even tonight.

After six exhausting weeks, they had the first log cabin up and operational. He’d seen to the architectural and building details while Angelina handled the interior design elements. Tonight, they’d unveiled the cabin to the North Pole council members, as well as a miniature reproduction detailing eleven more pre-fab log cabins and a barn that would begin construction in the spring and serve as a venue for weddings and events. The council voted unanimously to approve Sean had satisfied the terms of his inheritance.

Northhaven, formerly North Pole Camping & Cabins, was his.

A slim arm curved around his waist, followed by the warm softness he recognized as Angelina’s breasts pressing against his side. She was a toucher and a hugger, he’d discovered.

“Hey, partner.”

Sean wrapped his arm over her shoulders, struggling to keep the gesture friendly. “Has everyone else gone?”
