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“Why do I have to babysit? Can’t he find someone else to do it? You know I’m not good with kids.” I whined in the front seat of the car. “I’m almost eighteen and too old to be babysitting.”

She shook her head. “He doesn’t know anyone and he’s a single dad. I know what it’s like to be a single parent. You can help out. You don’t have anything else to do. His name is Henry Jones - Mr. Jones to you.”

I started texting my best friend Jess about how unfair my mom was. We were going to go to the mall and meet guys but when I told her my plans, Mom told me we were leaving in fifteen minutes so she could drop me off at the new teacher’s house to watch his twin boys. To say I was pissed off would be an understatement.

We rode the rest of the way in silence. Eventually she pulled up to a duplex near the school. Mr. Jones came outside onto the porch as we parked and got out of the car. There was a tricked out Harley parked in the driveway and I wondered what kind of teacher this Mr. Jones was.

I had to keep my jaw from dropping as we approached him. Mr. Jones didn’t look like the typical teachers at my school. He didn’t look much older than me. His dark hair was slicked back and he had on a red plaid shirt with black jeans. The sleeves were rolled up, revealing tattoos on his arms. He even had a wallet chain. Maybe this babysitting gig wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Hey Henry, this is my daughter Norah. I have to get to the school and unlock it before everyone arrives. I’ll meet you there, Henry?” She nodded and got back into her car. “Norah, I’ll come back and get you after the meeting.”

“Bye, Mom,” I waved before I turned back to Mr. Jones. I smiled at him and outstretched my hand. His hand engulfed mine as he gripped it, his green eyes piercing mine. He gave me a crooked smile and I swore my panties melted right then and there.

“Hi Norah.” His deep voice vibrated through me. He released my hand and I found myself disappointed we were no longer touching. “It’s nice to meet you. Your mom has told me so much about you.”

I tried not to roll my eyes and before I could respond, two little dark haired boys that were mini versions of their father came running out the door. “Daddy! Is our babysitter here?”

He bent down and picked them both up into his arms. “Yep. Boys, this is Norah. Norah, this is Aaron and Alex.”

“Hi,” one replied shyly while the other one hid his face in his dad’s neck.

“You guys are going to have so much fun with her and Daddy will be back in a little bit.” He set them down but Alex clung to his hand.

Aaron looked up at him. “Daddy, she’s pretty.” Mr. Jones glanced at me and I swore his eyes darkened a little while his gaze swept up and down my body. I was glad I was wearing my favorite skinny jeans and black crop top. I’d been dressed to go out and hadn’t had time to change.

“Yes, buddy, she is.” He cleared his throat and bent down to talk to Alex. “I’ll be back in a little bit okay. You guys can go play in the backyard and have a snack. You don’t have to go to bed until I’m home. Now go inside for a minute while I talk to Norah.” He stood up as the boys ran inside.

“They have some abandonment issues since their mom left, especially Alex.” He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “I left my cell phone number on the counter by the fridge. I think your mom said this meeting will be an hour or two, but let me know if you need anything. Make yourself at home too and don’t be shy.”

“Got it.” I nodded.

“I have my keys and I’m going to take my bike. I’ll sneak out before they even notice.” He pulled his keys from his pocket and walked past me. I could smell the combination of his woodsy soap and laundry detergent. I took a deep breath and watched him leave on his bike, thinking about what it would be like to be on the back with my arms wrapped around his waist.

I heard yelling in the house and tore my gaze from him so I could check on the boys. Despite not wanting to babysit, I now wanted to make a good first impression. When I argued with my mom, I had no idea Mr. Jones would be so fucking hot.

I found the boys in the kitchen. They wanted a snack but I promised them one after we played outside for a little bit.

They were sweet boys and I found myself enjoying spending time with them. By the time we went inside for their snack, they were clinging to me.

I heard Mr. Jones pull up while the boys ate the apple I cut for them.

“Daddy!” They both yelled and ran to the front door. I followed behind them and watched him park his bike and climb off. Damn, that man oozed sex. I couldn’t wait to tell Jess about the new teacher.

He grinned at them and ran his fingers through his hair. I opened the front door so they could run out to greet him. They threw themselves into his arms and he picked them up easily. They both started talking eagerly.

“Slow down, buds. I take it you had a good time with Norah?” He turned and winked at me, making my knees go weak. I didn’t know what class Mr. Jones taught, but I hoped it was one I took. Mom told me before, but I wasn’t listening.

“She’s so much fun!” Alex looked over at me with a grin and I smiled back. I didn’t usually like kids, but Mr. Jones’s twins were very sweet. At least so far.

“Good.” He set them down. “Go watch something on your iPad for a bit and I’ll be right in.” They ran inside, stopping to give me a hug. When they were inside, he pulled out his wallet and gave me twenty dollars. “Thanks for watching them. The past few months have been hard.”

“Sure, they’re great kids.” I stuffed the money into my pocket.

“I don’t know how much your mom told you about us, but I need someone to help out with the boys. I already talked to your mom, and if you’re willing, I would like you to be their nanny.”
