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“I’ll do it,” I replied without hesitation. I wouldn’t miss a chance to be here at Mr. Jones’s house every day.



It probably was a bad idea to have Norah at my house almost every day, but I needed the help with the boys.

I worked with high school students all the time. Norah wasn’t the first attractive female I’d been in contact with. But there was something different about her. She didn’t seem like them and I couldn’t ignore the sparks that few around us.

Her mother and I had discussed the idea of her being the boys’ nanny, picking them up from school, getting them home and feeding them a snack. They could play for a little but until I arrived home. I would probably be home around dinner most nights, but sometimes she would have to stay and feed them as well. She didn’t have a job at the moment and her mother agreed this would be perfect.

I didn’t expect her to agree so quickly, but I was happy she did.

“Great! I have some other arrangements already made for the rest of the week, but how about starting Monday?” She agreed and I gave her some of the details regarding pay and hours. As we chatted, I couldn’t help but notice the way her jeans fit and her tiny shirt. I didn’t remember high school girls looking like her when I was that age. Her long hair was up in a messy bun, revealing her long neck and when she leaned close, I couldn’t help but get a hint of her perfume - something coconut and floral.

Her mother arrived to take her home and I found myself disappointed she was leaving already - like I needed more time with her. She gave me her phone number so I could text her if something came up and I watched her ass as she walked to the car. I waved to her mother and went inside. I needed to get the boys to bed and have a cold shower. Most of all, I needed to forget about the underage girl who just gave me a hard on.

I gave the boys a bath and read them a story before tucking them into bed. I kissed their foreheads and went to my room. I turned on the tv and laid on the bed. I tried to get Norah out of my mind but I wasn’t very successful. I was probably just lonely. The boys’ mom had left me about six months ago, but honestly, even when she was around, she wasn’t.

Our marriage hadn’t been great before the boys were born. Then she got pregnant and I thought that would help, but then we found out it was twins and it really went downhill from there. She never wanted to be a mother, much less the mother of twin boys. Her pregnancy was hard and even though I got her help with the babies, she was miserable. I wasn’t surprised to come home from teaching one day to her telling me she was leaving. I didn’t even fight her. I knew in the long run we would be better off, but that didn’t make it any easier. Being a single dad is hard enough, but with twin toddler boys, it was even more difficult.

We decided to move near my parents so I could have a little help and the boys could get to know them better. They were retired though and gone often, so I couldn’t count on them to watch the boys while I taught.

And now I had a nanny. One that I wanted to fuck.

I groaned and threw the pillow next to me on the floor. Time for a cold shower. I stripped off my clothes as I walked into the bathroom, giving my erection a couple of tugs. I was so hard, my balls ached. I hadn’t had sex in years. I couldn’t even remember the last time - probably when we conceived the twins to be honest. I’d thought about getting one of those hook up apps but I literally never had a moment alone, so it was pointless.

I turned the shower on, not bothering with hot water and walked in. I winced as the icy water hit my skin. I closed my eyes and let it wash over me, willing my erection to go down, but all I could picture was Norah in that tiny top and tight jeans.

I braced a hand on the shower wall and leaned forward, my hand closing around my cock. I pictured her in the shower with me, on her knees in front of me with her lips wrapped around me. My hand moved faster and faster until I groaned with my release, shooting streams of hot cum down the shower drain.

I finished in the shower, a little ashamed of what I’d done. In all of my years of teaching, I’d never jacked off to the thought of one of my students. This one wasn’t just one of my students either - she was my boss’s daughter and my boys’ nanny.

Fuck my life.



Icouldn’t stop thinking about Mr. Jones. I’d never been attracted to a teacher before, but with his tattoos and Harley, he was all I thought about.

I imagined what it would be like to ride on the back of the motorcycle with him, my arms wrapped around his waist and sitting close. It made me squeeze my thighs together at the thought.

Teachers were obviously off limits so when Aiden asked me out for the hundredth time, I finally said yes, hoping he would be the perfect distraction to get my mind off of Mr. Jones.

I’d known Aiden since first grade. He was the captain of the football team and pretty much an idiot - a very good looking one. He knew it too. Aiden had been asking me to go out with him since eight grade. I always told Jess he was too stupid for me.

I spent the whole weekend thinking about Mr. Jones and Aiden. I had filthy thoughts about Mr. Jones, riding his bike all day and then finding a field somewhere to kiss and do other things. I’d even touched myself a couple of times thinking about all the things I wanted him to do to me.

I was still a virgin but had been kissed a few times. I’d dated a couple of guys, but nothing serious. I’d never found a guy interesting enough for me - they were all so immature. This was also why I never would agree to go out with Aiden.

But when I got to school on Monday and he stood by my locker with his idiot friends, I changed my mind. He probably asked me out about five times a week - at least. So today, when I said yes, he was speechless.

We arranged for him to pick me up at Mr. Jones’s house in a couple of days when he was done with football and I was done watching the boys. A small part of me hoped Mr. Jones would be a little bit jealous another guy was picking me up, but other than some lingering looks, he’d given me no reason to think he was interested in me.

Today was my first official day of nannying. I found myself excited to see the boys again. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any classes with Mr. Jones, but I did see him at lunch. We almost ran into each other by the trash can and he stopped to talk to me.

Once again I was thrown with how different he looked from other teachers. He was wearing a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to mid-arm and I could see his tattoos. He wore a huge watch and a few bracelets. He wore jeans as well with this wallet chain and boots. He probably rode his Harley here today.
