Page 13 of Insatiable

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When I’m done, I lift myself onto the edge. “Hey, uh, Sunshine!”

The door opens and I wrap my arms around my chest. “What did you just call me?”

I snort, looking down. “Sunshine…”

A towel wraps around my body before he pulls me against him and walks out to the bedroom.

He sets me on the bed delicately, making me look up at him. I would have never thought something of this size could ever be gentle with me or anything. The monster - Sunshine, which I think suits him - moves to the dresser drawer and pulls open a few before throwing clothes over his shoulder.

“Get dressed,” he orders, moving to the bedroom door but ceases his movements. “Can you handle that?”

I pull the towel tighter around my soaking body and reply, “Yes.”

“I’ll be back… You can leave, if you can, but you have nowhere to go.”

My eyes bare into him and my lips part, wanting to deny what he had said. But he was right. Where was I going to go?I ran away in an area that I barely even know and how was I planning to survive out there? I don’t have the comfort of the community anymore. There’s other vicious clans out there - like the mountain lions or the bears. Each one would eat me for breakfast. “Are you going to hurt me?”

He chuckles—full on chuckles at me. “Why would I do that when you do it perfectly fine to yourself?”

I glance down at my grossly red and swollen leg. The pain is dull, but I blame the shock. I knew as time went on; it would get much worse. “That was mean…”

His shoulders pick up and he drops them. “I will be back in an hour.”

I feel like I should have more questions for him, but nothing is coming to mind. After a silent moment, he’s gone, and the door is closed behind him.

It takes me a moment to slowly use the gigantic towel to dry myself off. Afterwards, I struggle hard to get dressed, leaving me breathless and sprawled across the bed. His shirt is like a dress on me and his pants I knew if I stood up, they would have fallen down. I stare at the beautifully black tilted ceiling, chest heaving. No matter how far I extend, I still don’t touch the edge of the bed. This must be where he sleeps.

The bed is gigantic, way bigger than the monster, but it still doesn’t take up half of the room. There’s beautiful matte black style dressers lining the wall. The walls are plain, but really weren’t. They are the same beautiful material as the tile ceiling.

My brows pull together.

How the fuck does a monster like him have money like that? The bookshelves that in the room are empty, which makes me huff. What was I supposed to do for an hour?

The more time went on, the more my leg grew painful. I propped it up on some pillows but doing that made it ten times worse.

The room spins with pain, causing me to just lay down. The pain is pulsing from my toes all the way to my knee. I lay there staring at the ceiling until tears sting in my eyes.

I feel weak. I was unable to protect myself from anyone. From Rome. From the monster. I am useless now more than I was before.

Liquid runs down my leg to my thighs and when I pick up my head, crimson red spreads through the bandages.

Oh no!

I sit up quickly, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and the liquid begins rushing down to my toes. I can’t ruin his sheets or bed. Slowly, I push myself up to one foot and grab the end table to help me straight. I’m sure he has-

My head spins uncontrollably and darkness takes over completely.


The house is eerily silent when I get back, causing me to freeze. I wait to listen…

When I left—even miles from the house—I heard her soft struggles of getting dressed. She’s so stubborn, she never asks for any type of help.

The closer I get to the bedroom, the more my heart pounds against my chest. If she’s sleeping, I would be able to hear it, right?

Throwing open the bedroom, I almost thought to stop myself to knock. But she’s not in the room. My eyes narrow. Did she go to the bathroom?

When I peek into the bathroom, I see red out of the corner of my eyes. Twisting, I see her body on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding her. Bags clatter to the ground as I scoop her into my arms.
