Page 18 of Insatiable

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I wait until the little mouse is fully into a heavy sleep to finally stand. Her soft snores are an indicator, so when I leave, she barely stirs.

The night spring air stings against my body when I leave the house and when I take off my shirt, it wrestles my fur. My long fingers find my belt buckle and slowly I take it off, before losing my pants next.

I sense them somewhere nearby. Little mouse could only see one of them. I sense and saw the others.

Completely bare, I shake out my fur, letting out my beast form that is slightly taller and has a thicker coat of fur. With that, I move through the woods, until I felt the need to stop.

“Well, well, well…” A heavy voice comes, making me glance over my shoulder. A naked tall guy stands against a tree. A shifter. “Look who let the monster out to play.”

“Who’s the sweet-smelling girl?” another asks, making me dart my eyes his way. I noticed them as the Alphas of the mountain lions. Normally, they never come this far out.

“Stay away from my house,” I say with a growl in my throat.

The first one chuckles. “Just came to ask if you were still rolling with those wolf shifters… You know, after you eat one of them.”

I lift my chin, remembering Rome’s little friend who tried to shoot me. His gun had little effect on me, and his blood tasted… richer than human’s and it satisfied my hunger faster, but I didn’t stay satisfied. “Maybe I have a taste for shifters now.”

“Try me, monster.”

I growl and he returns it.

“Calm down,” the second one tries to calm us down.

“You guys want to come in my fucking territory disturbing my guest and me and then have the nerve to tell me to calm down?” My shoulders roll and widen. I tower over each of these shifters, but that doesn’t seem to intimate them. The first gets in my face, hissing like the fucking cat he is. I grab his face, growling heavily. If I roared, I’d wake my little mouse and I don’t want that.

Right in front of me, the shifter changes. His bones snap as he transforms into a mountain lion on all fours, but instead of staying on all fours, he reels back and slices his paw. I should have reacted faster, but I didn’t. His claws hit my arm and I feel warm blood run down my arm.

Without thinking, my fingers wrap around his neck, but then I feel the sharpness of claws against my back. My jaw clenches. They were asserting their dominance and it was working because I wasn’t as strong as I normally am. But I turn, grabbing his neck and throwing him to the side. Flinging the other into a tree so hard it cracks, and he whines for air as I growl. “I am a little hungry…”

Both of them look at me.

That’s when I hunch over and let out a roar so loud all the birds in the trees fly away. It makes their fur stand up and makes them scramble.

“Next time I see you, I’ll eat you.” I growl after that, standing straight. Rolling my shoulders, I feel the liquid rushing down my back. The wound should have closed and should have been healed. Sluggishly, I move back to the house and collapse on the couch. Maybe I’m not as strong as I thought I was.

“Are you okay?” Sweet little mouse asks me the next day. I feel her eyes watching me since I’ve started cooking for her. I’ve also barely been talking to her. What was I supposed to say to her?

I just hum a yes.

“Sunshine, you’re bleeding,” she gasps.

I grumble at her, but after a moment, I feel her small hands on my hips. Gasping, I twist and there she is, balancing on one leg. “What are you doing, mouse?” Dropping everything, I pick her up and set her on the island. “Stay.”

She grabs my arm, using her thigh to lock around mine to stop me. I hiss in pain when she touched near my wound. I haven’t healed and normally I would have been. I think in a way they knew I wouldn’t heal properly after eating a shifter instead of a human and they wanted to test that theory. “Let me patch you up.”

I grab her chin and lift her face towards mine. “No. Sit.”

Her eyes scans my face. “I’m not a dog, Sunshine. I don’t have to listen.”

I step closer. “I don’t fucking expect you to. But the longer you are up, the more I have to hear you whine about the pain or take care of you.”

Sweetness fills my nose, and my eyes drop. I’m between her legs and even though my cock isn’t lined up to her core, she’s turned on.

Rage fills me. How can this turn her on?

“Did those things out there hurt you?” she asks in a whisper.
