Page 27 of Hell’s Flame

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Nodding, I huff. “I was able to kick his ass at one point.”

“She’s lying. I always let her win,” Khazon interjects.

I roll my eyes, not wanting to argue.

Hazen smirks. “I believe you, Asura. Make sure when you punch, you keep your body loose and less locked up. You don’t want to snap your arm while punching someone.”

I nod. “You’re pretty good at fighting.”

He shrugs. “They teach us hellhounds how to fight from a young age to be protectors.”

“Have you sparred with any other hounds? Like Inarian or Jigsaw?”

He nods.

“Teach me how to fight better than them, so I can kick their asses.”

“You’ll never be able to fight better than me, and you’ll never be able to kick my ass.” Inarian grumbles from the side lines.

My eyes take him in as he stands from the fake grass of the training room. He’s in a tight long sleeve shirt that he looks like he might burst from. His body is toned, and part of me knew, but seeing it? I melt right on the training mat in the gym. I can see the bulging arm muscles and his toned abs.Jesus…

“Stop looking at me like I’m the last piece of meat.”

His attitude is not cute.I roll my eyes. “Like I’d ever look at you like that, ass.”

“Are you guys done? I’d like to continue,” Khazon says, shedding his sweaty T-shirt.

I hate that I fucking looked.His body is way broader and stronger than I last remember it. His body is riddled with abs and a few tattoos I didn’t know he had. I look up, meeting his dark eyes. His sweaty brown hair is pulled back with a hairband. I wish he wasn’t an asshole. We might have been something… I guess I’m the asshole who left without saying anything.


I sigh. Now he’s just going to beat my ass all morning.

Khazon holds back when he strikes first. I use my forearms to block, lifting my knee to strike his side. He grabs my knee and pulls me. Our hips meet, sending lust through my body.

Fuck, I didn’t want to get turned on by him. Not in front of hounds.

I throw an elbow, but he blocks it, headbutting my nose. My head flies back, and I fall to my ass.

“Khazon!” Ledger snaps this time.

My eyes water at the pain as I look up at Khazon. Rage rushes through me, and I can’t control it. I spring to my feet and begin my attacks, but he seems to predict every single one, blocking them.

“Never fight with anger. Fight with strategy,” Khazon barks through huffs. He hits me hard, making me stumble back a few steps.

“Choke on a massive cock,” I growl out.

“You seem to do that every night,” one of Khazon’s hounds says.

Khazon groans at that, fighting back. It takes a lot of focus to dodge each hit. Then his foot connects with my chest, sending me flying to my ass.

Air wheezes in my lungs as I rip at the shirt, trying to hold onto air.

“Fuck.” Khazon groans, reaching for me.

I slap his hands away. “F-F—” I scramble to my feet, waving away Hazen and Ledger as I enter my house from the little indoor training area. I need a second.

Asura rubs her heaving chest through her shirt as she enters the kitchen. Her breath is staggered, making her chest heavy. Sweat is coating her tan skin.
