Page 29 of Hell’s Flame

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Circe, please!

“Hey, Asura?” I hear Fen from the stairs.

My eyes widen as I see one of the Shadow Guards move from the living room. I lift my leg and kick backward into the person behind me. Once my body drops, I scramble to my feet, rushing and tackling the Shadow Guard into the wall. I can kind of see them a bit. “Go back upstairs. Call Dad!”

But then the wind picks up.

I look back as the Shadow Guard readying to attack. The one I tackled isn’t the wind master.

My heart picks up as I see Fen’s eyes widening.

I can almost see the next few seconds in my head and how badly Fenric will be hurt or killed. I am useless, having little to no powers outside of a few magic bursts. Circe has all the powers. I have nothing.

“Fen!” I scream, feeling my throat crack and something within me burst. That is my little brother. The one I taught how to tie his shoes and how to make grilled cheese sandwiches at one in the morning without getting caught. The countless movies. The countless time spent together. The two years I lost out on.

Heat rises inside of me and black surrounds my eyes completely. With another scream, I black out completely. I move to Fen. His body is shaking, and everything is destroyed in the house.What happened?

My father bursts through the front door with his council of men in tow, and a few reapers trying to calm him down. “Asura!” His voice booms through the hall, and I almost think he’s pissed at me until, finally, he makes it to the dining room and sees me and Fen at the table getting healed by one of the demon nurses that came when Khazon called the Soul Reapers. “Fenric,” he says softly.

Fen is the first to move, running to my father and getting scooped up.

“What happened here?” my father asks everyone in the room.

I press the ice to my forehead, letting my head fall back, and I close my eyes. I’m not healed yet, opting to let the nurse heal Fenric first. There’s a metallic taste in my mouth and my body aches.

“A Shadow Guard entered the house and attacked Ms. Beelzebub,” a familiar voice says.

My brows pull together as I try to figure out where I’ve heard this velvety voice. I sit up, opening my eyes.

A pink haired fae Soul Reaper stands next to my father. Our eyes meet.


The corner of his lip curls up in a smile. “Ms. Beelzebub.”

Last time I saw Ryker, he had saved Ledger and I from the vertigo demon. He’s wearing all black with a vest on. His long sleeves are rolled up just above elbows, and my eyes trace the veins on his arms leading to his ringed fingers. He lifts his chin cockily, eyes wandering my probably bloodied face.

“Two Shadow Guards attacked me. Not one,” I add, placing the ice back on my forehead.

He nods with a smirk. “My mistake. Nothing seems to be stolen, so we are not exactly sure why they were here.”

My father and I meet each other’s eyes.I know…He sets down Fenric before speaking. “Everyone out.”

Everyone freezes, even the hellhounds.

“Everyone but Mr. Azule and my team,” my father says, eyes on me, telling me to stay. I was a part of this team. But who is Mr. Azule? “Watch him,” he says, looking at Khazon and pointing at Fenric. Khazon nods.

The room empties and with a swipe of the hand, all the doors close in the dining room and the air thickens.

My father leans forward. “Asura, are you okay?”

I nod. “Some of this is from Khazon beating the shit out of me too.”

He sends me a look but doesn’t ask. “Mr. Azule, could you have an around the clock Soul Reaper here?”

Ryker’s lip’s part to give an answer but Nero, the Grim Reaper, speaks first. “We can spare some.”

My father’s council consists of all the right people. Death, Grim, and all four of the Kings of Hell.
