Page 43 of Hell’s Flame

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Jigsaw sits next to them. He’s not in uniform, wearing black cargo pants and a hoodie. His fingers are gloved and his mask, with too many chains, are over his mouth now. The chains in his jeans jiggle as he sits next to Inarian. Our stares meet, and his lime green eyes watch me as his brows crease together.

I’ve seen him without a shirt and his one too many abs. I’ve felt his length against my hips while we kissed… I should feel bad for kissing him but part of me doesn’t. The kiss was a mistake that will never happen again.

I push from the table, moving back to the bar. I need another drink. I need to drink until I forget all the hot hounds that have spent weeks in my house.

“Why are you drinking so early?” Khazon barks as he moves into the room.

Then there’s him.

I turn to look at him. His dark hair is slicked with messy curls and there’s tattoos showing from his short-sleeve shirt. He looks like sin. His dark eyes wander my face, and his full lips are in a frown.

“Oh, suddenly you are my father?”

“I am,” my father’s voice comes from behind me. But I knew he was there. I felt him… My senses as an heir seem to be getting stronger as I train. “Why are you drinking?”

I roll my eyes. “You know, for two years I was by myself, and I did whatever I wanted, and I had no men telling me what to do.”

Of course, Derrick walks in at that point. “Excuses for taking your clothes off.”

It makes me snort.

“Hey,” my father snaps at him.

I hide my smile behind my glass. I never got naked for men. I just danced on them or teased them with the idea of taking off my clothes. But it’s funny that he would make that comment.

“Last morning here, can we have peace?” I say innocently.

I feel Khazon taking my drink from my hands. I send him a glare.What is up with men touching my shit and taking things from me?“You have to be clear-headed. You never know when you’ll have to fight.”

I push from the wall, moving to my seat. “Two drinks aren’t going to get me drunk, Khazzie.”

He grumbles something as I take a seat between my mates. He sits next to Inarian and his hounds as my father takes the head again.

Locking eyes on Khazon, I run my hand up Ledger’s arm. Khazon’s jaw tightens. I love pissing him off. It is so easy to do.

“I’m not a pawn,” Ledger whispers against the shell of my ear.

Lust pools in my stomach. His voice is husky and heavy.

I turn, looking up at him with siren eyes. “But it’s funny, baby.”

A curl smirks on his lips. “Kind of.”

My eyes drop to his lips then slowly back to his crimson eyes. I pry my eyes away before I forget that we aren’t the only two people here.

“Everyone ready for school?” my father asks so excitingly.

And not even one of us answers cheerfully.

“Be safe,” my father orders, holding my face. I try to pull away but because the hold my father has on my face is strong, I can’t. He’s brought us to the academy. Although nothing looks like it changed, it looks just as rebuilt as it did before. The same gothic tall building stands in the middle of the campus while the reaper’s dorm hangs on the left side and the hellhound dorm on the right. Even the field looks the same.

“Okay, Dad,” I answer him.

He sighs, pulling back. “Please, Asura. Just try to stick with your boyfriends or try to stick with hounds. Higher level Soul Reapers will be around a few times to check in.”

My mind runs to a pink-haired fae, and I wonder if I will see him. We have kept out distance, especially with Hazen and Ledger around. But every glance fuels a fire inside of me that I didn’t know I had. “I will. I’ll try to text you and update you.”

He nods. “I love you, guys. Please just be safe.”
