Page 100 of The Devil You Know

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My feet are moving and I’m halfway across the room before I realize I can’t stay away any longer. Tatum’s back is turned to me when I reach them. The Kappa Sig guy—Ben, I think his name is, but who fucking cares—looks at me and steps closer to her. I think the fuck not.

“Tate,” I say.

She jumps, whirling around. Her eyes light up at the sight of me, and, shit, they are kind of puffy underneath. It takes all my willpower not to tug her into my arms where she belongs.

“Coop! Oh my god, hi. It’s great to see you.”

The breathlessness in her voice makes me swallow. My gaze roves over her, hungry to take in every inch of her that I’ve missed. Damn, keeping tabs on her social media doesn’t come close to the real deal.

She holds her drink in front of her with both hands. I remember from going over her class notes with her that it’s a subconscious body language sign. She’s putting a barrier between us and keeping her hands to herself.

“I didn’t know you’d be here tonight.” Tatum opens and closes her mouth. She starts to say something, then cuts herself off, tucking her lips between her teeth. Her eyes flit across my features, landing on my mouth. “How was your bio test? That was this week, wasn’t it?”

My heart thumps when she angles her body closer, turning away from Ben. She put that barrier up, but she’s babbling and all but leaning into me. Ever since she was a kid, she’s had this habit of blurting everything she wants to say when she hasn’t seen someone in a while. Hope flickers to life, floating through my chest.

“Good.” I give Ben a dismissive glance, pushing down my jealousy. “I haven’t been out in a while and one of the Kappa guys is in my statistics class. He said I had to come out tonight. Didn’t know you’d be here, either. Are you having fun?”

“It’s a girls’ night. Simone’s stuck in the bathroom line.” She smiles. “Bill challenged me to a game of table hockey, so we’re waiting for our turn until she gets back.”

“Ben,” he corrects with a plastered on smile while he checks out her ass.

I hold back a growl, jealous anger burning through me.

“Oh. Right, sorry,” she says.

I smirk and focus on her. “You going with the flow?”

Her smile turns shy and she nods, her voice light. “The lesson finally stuck.”

“Good,” I rasp. “That’s good.”

Our gazes lock and my fingers twitch at my side. Her lips part when my attention falls to her mouth. Her tongue darts out to wet them. How can I ever be her friend when I know what it’s like to kiss her?

“Oh, girl, this is my song!” Simone interrupts. She snags Tatum’s hand. “Hey, Coop. Bye, Coop. I’m stealing my bestie for a dance.”

Before I have the chance to say a word, Tatum shoots me an apologetic shrug and follows her best friend to the throng of dancers. I watch her grin and let go, as if the two of them are in their own world instead of the middle of a college party. There’s a sense of relaxed freedom about her that wasn’t quite there at the first bonfire party I took her to when she worried about fitting in.

“Damn, she’s hot.” My gaze cuts to Ben and he holds up his hands. “Dude. Don’t glare at me. I’m just stating facts.”

I’ve had enough of this. I won’t stand by while guys like Ben who stink of Axe spray look at her with want in their eyes.

“Here’s a fact, Ben. She’s miles out of your league. Quit while you’re ahead.” Screw it. If Tatum ever finds out about this, I’ll tell her I was drunk and forgot I wasn’t supposed to play the part of jealous boyfriend anymore. “She’s not an option tonight or any other night. Got that?”

He grumbles under his breath and I block his view of her, lifting my brows. He nods with a stiff jerk of his head.

“Make sure that fact gets around.”

“Whatever, bro,” he says as he moves off.

I track him until he edges around the room and swaggers up to a group of sorority girls. Casting one last longing glance at Tatum while she dances, I head for the door to leave.

“Coop. Cooper!” Jackson calls after me.

I wave him off. I’ll text him later. Right now I need some air.
