Page 29 of The Devil You Know

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“You, um,” I stammer. “You like doing that?”

He hums in response, lapping at my fingers. “Fuckin’ love it. Can’t wait to get my mouth on you for real.”

Cooper has stolen my breath multiple times tonight, but this time it wheezes out of me as I go lightheaded. Will we do that next? The throb of desire between my legs is hopeful.

I nudge the blindfold off and almost squeak at the sight of him. He’s staring at me with hooded eyes, nibbling my fingertips. There’s an impressive erection tenting his sweatpants. That full dick print makes my mouth water.

“What now?” I ask when he finally relinquishes me.

He drags a hand through his hair. Without his signature ball cap to keep it in place, the ends curl around his ears and over his forehead. He tips his head back and blows out a breath.

“Let’s call it a night there. That was a good start.”

“Wait, what?”

My shoulders slump as my gaze falls to his lap. He’s definitely into everything we did. Why would we stop before he gets to finish, too?

“You’re hard. I thought—”

“We’ve got plenty of time. I just wanted to focus on you tonight.”

He gets up and adjusts his dick so it’s not as obvious. I avert my eyes, then feel silly for it. We just had both our hands down my underwear, touching my pussy. He licked my come off his fingers. Besides, he doesn’t seem too shy about reaching into his own pants with me right there.

“Okay.” I drag out the syllables and climb to my feet. Without the distraction to leave me feeling free, my thoughts churn once more. “So, uh…”

Cooper grabs his phone and swipes through some of the photos I took. The corner of his mouth lifts at some of them. He gives me a smile.

“I’m giving you homework.”

“Wow, you’re really taking this whole sex tutor thing seriously,” I sass.

“I want you to go home and take a sexy selfie every day to keep getting more comfortable in your own body.” He dips his head, peering at me through his lashes. “Send them to me so I know you’re doing it.”

I slide my lips together and nod. “When’s our next lesson?”

“Soon. I’ll text you for a study session.”

“Okay.” I bite my lip and find my shorts. I motion to his door. “So should I…?”

“Hold on.” His voice is a rough growl that startles me. “I can’t wait. I need one more taste.”

He closes the distance between us and takes me by surprise with a kiss. I drop my shorts and part my lips with a shocked gasp. He makes another jagged sound and grabs my ass, hauling me against him as he deepens the kiss. The swipe of his tongue against mine makes me groan, and I hold on tight to him. We stumble as he herds me against the wall and nudges his knee between mine while his hands massage my ass.

Another noise tears from my throat as he encourages me to move on his thigh. It feels just as good as his hand over mine, and I grind on his muscled leg as we make out.

The kiss is a tidal wave that traps me in a riptide I never want to leave.

My breath hitches and a cry lodges in my throat as I shudder against him, coming again. He tenses, fingers digging into my ass.

“Wait,” he says when he ends the kiss.

“What?” I cling to him, still quivering.

“If we don’t stop, I’m going to take everything from you right fucking now, T.”

My heart thuds. I swallow. “What’s the problem with that? That’s the point.”

He leans back far enough to give me room to breathe, but his hands still squeeze my ass. His gaze is dark and blazing as he takes me in with a piercing sweep of his eyes.
