Page 27 of Unmasked Heart

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“Annie!” I yell as I follow her.

She tosses a narrow-eyed look over her shoulder and whips around to rush down the hall.

This is going all wrong and I’m stuck between wanting to drop to my knees before her—a first for me because I normally only want to tower over her—and punching a wall. I didn’t like that look on her face right before she left the room.

Even worse, I’m the one that caused it.

All I wanted to do was show her I care about her. My plan went to shit faster than cinderblock shoes sink in the river.

“Annie, just wait a second!”

I catch her arm and yank her back against my body, burying my nose in her hair and breathing in her perfume mingled with her sweat.

Annie struggles against my hold and I lock my arms around her. She digs her nails into my arms, kicking up a vicious fit.

“Calm down,” I mutter against the back of her head.

Annie snarls and squirms in frustration.

I lean out of range before she cracks me in the chin with her skull. “Easy. Jesus.”

Annie tires out, her breathing harsh as she stills in my arms.

“Three…two…one…Happy New Year!”

The party explodes in cheers down the hall and the band plays Auld Lang Syne, distracting both of us for a moment.

Off by mere minutes. No sweet midnight kisses for me.

“Come on.” I glance around, reluctant to take her to the only room I know in the vicinity that’s unlocked. I don’t think she’ll appreciate taking her back to the spot we fucked in. “We can’t talk here.”

Prepared to drag her with me, I’m a little shocked when she comes willingly. Pleasantly so. Maybe this whole shitshow is salvageable. I loosen my iron grip on her so she can’t whine to her daddy later that I manhandled her.

Well. Any more than she wanted me to when I was fucking her.

I suck in a subtle breath as we wander down the hall and I have to tell my dick to calm down as it stiffens at the memory of her cries. She was incredible. I want to fuck her like that every day for the rest of my life.

I’ll worship at the altar of her body to pull those sweet mewls from her as I ravage her perfect little cunt with my mouth.

Licking my lips, I make a turn in the opposite direction at the juncture in the hall, away from the room we were in before. I glance over at my fiancée.

Annie’s face is blank, but I catch the fire dancing in her gaze. She looks like molten precious metal with her hazel eyes and her blonde hair.

My golden queen.

We find an empty alcove far enough away that the sounds of the party are muffled.

I spin her to face me and cup her shoulders to keep her from running off again.

“What were you going to do back there?” I ask.

Annie levels me with an unimpressed glare. I want to snort. She always gets worked up like this.

I love and hate her attitude problem. I can’t stop the surge of an answering belligerence in my blood, ready to meet her sour attitude with one of my own.

“What’s wrong, princess? Are you pissed because you enjoyed it so much?” I tip my head to the side and dare her to look away. “I knew you would. I told you, you were made for me.”
