Page 36 of Unmasked Heart

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Maybe it is wedding day nerves, but I keep circling back around to how Cohen fit himself into the role of the man I always hoped he would become. The man he is beneath the monster that used to torment me. My throat swells and one corner of my mouth lifts in a half-smile.

He’s still a wicked bastard, but he’s just as much of a sweet gentleman.

Cohen is wild, and he has possessed my heart so thoroughly it’s any wonder I thought he wasn’t seeping between the cracks in my walls over the years. Once those walls came down, Cohen rushed in like a flood and I’ll be damned if I can ever get him back out.

Not that I’d want to.

The partnership we’ve forged started that first weekend at the cabin after New Year’s Eve. We watched the sunrise sitting in a swing on the porch wrapped in a big blanket. Cohen had curled his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck as I perched on his lap with my knees tucked against my chest.

In those first rays of dawn creeping over the foggy hills, we worked out a strategy between us. We figured out how we would shift things to make changes for when we step into our roles in the empire’s machine that rules our lives.

Things are going well on both fronts.

Dad won’t be able to sneeze without triggering a federal investigation and Albert Mastriano plans to retire soon to live in Costa Rica. Only a few key players remain standing on the board and Cohen and I are coming for them with everything we’ve got. We’re building our empire on our terms.

“Ready, Annie?” Margot pats my hand as the limo pulls up to the botanical gardens.

The grin that breaks free is impossible for me to contain. “Yeah.”

We’re herded from the car into the garden and lined up by the coordinator running the show.

It’s not until the ceremony music reaches me that the nerves kick back in for a second. All I want is to run down that aisle to reach Cohen. Margot turns around and hugs me in the seconds she has before her cue to walk.

“Knock him dead, killer,” Margot whispers.

“Keep him from running for me, would you?” I joke.

Margot snorts. “Girl, that guy is sick with how much he loves you. He’s in it for the long haul.”

The coordinator taps Margot on the shoulder and we share one more moment before Margot is gone. I take steady breaths and focus on the single pink Queen Protea I carry. The petals of the desert plant are soft when I stroke my fingertips over them with a light brush.

Cohen had laughed his ass off when I showed him the flower choices and told him the name of the flower he pointed to. To be honest, I found it pretty amusing, too.

“Okay, Annie. Time to go,” the coordinator tells me with a nod.

I start walking, my legs weirdly shaky even though the nerves have dissipated. The surge of adrenaline is a heady rush.

My wedding gown moves with me as I make my way around the corner. It’s similar to the one I wore to the masquerade gala.

The anticipation buzzes through me like the bubbly champagne from this morning. I can’t wait to see Cohen’s reaction to the whole ensemble put together. I picked it all out to look just like that night when things clicked into place for us.

As I lift my head to peer down the aisle at Cohen, a shocked giggle escapes me. His deep, rich laughter reaches me from across the garden. I hesitate for a beat and then continue down the aisle, grinning.

Cohen has a matching expression and shakes his head as I reach him, his hand held out to take mine.

We surprised each other by both wearing masks.

“I see we coordinated well.” Cohen taps the same simple black mask he’s wearing, the same one he wore that night at the masquerade gala. He sucks his lips between his teeth as he takes me in. “You look amazing.”

“Have you seen my fiancé, Colton?” I tease, pretending to search the crowd of guests. “He was supposed to meet me here at this time.”

Cohen’s grin remains in place as I unmask him and reveal hypnotic dark eyes. His fingers graze my skin as he cups my face and I nuzzle into the touch. He removes my mask and tucks it into his pocket.

“I want to put this with my other keepsake from that night,” Cohen murmurs against the shell of my ear.

Sucking in a breath, I pinch his side, a dark laugh rolling out me. “You better be kidding.”

“You’ll just have to find out.”
