Page 37 of Unmasked Heart

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Cohen flashes me a smug look before settling his hand at the small of my back and turning to face the officiant.

The ceremony is infused with our personalities and the botanical garden fills with laughter and audible sniffles from the guests. In our vows we make promises about the future. Cohen’s gaze bores into mine with intensity as we utter secret code words to each other that mean more to us than what the guests hear.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The officiant nods to Cohen. “You may now kiss the bride.”

“Let’s misbehave, Annie,” Cohen murmurs.

His thumbs stroke my waist as he pulls me closer.

My mouth curves into a slow smile.

“Together,” I agree.

Cohen closes the distance between us, his lips connecting with mine. The celebratory cheers from the guests fade into the background as we kiss. One of Cohen’s hands comes up to cup my face and as we part from the heartfelt kiss, I rest my forehead against his.

I always thought I was a helpless princess locked in my cage, but Cohen helped me see that I’m stronger than that. With him by my side, I’ll never be caged again.

Cohen takes my hand and kisses the back of it as Margot passes me the single Queen Protea.

We face our friends and family. Cohen squeezes my hand and leans over.

“Ready to get out of here with me, sweetheart?”

My smile stretches wider.

“I hear there’s a sunrise with our names on it.”
