Page 11 of Highland Warrior

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“Aye, there is some news I must impart to you.”

Yesenda gave her a querying look. “And what of this news?”

“Your brother Laird Ruadh MacDonald sent a missive asking that I prepare you.”

“Prepare me for what?” Yesenda asked. She braced herself.

“Laird Ruadh and his men are on their way here to take you… home.”

Yesenda stared at the wall for several moments, utterly speechless, then she asked, “But why? He has kept me sequestered here for fifteen years. I dinnae understand. Unless he means for me to act as chatelaine at the Keep?”

She glanced at the abbess, who slightly grimaced.

Then it dawned on her. Yesenda stood and started pacing the room. “No!” He cannot mean to marry me off to some stranger, does he?” She stopped pacing, turned and looked directly at the abbess.

The expression on the abbess’s face confirmed her fears.

“Absolutely not! I refuse to be bartered over some land or such nuisance. I cannot believe it!” Yesenda began pacing again. “He abandons me, then expects to pull me out without a moment’s notice. Please, Abbess Murdina, you cannot let this happen.”

“I am afraid I have no choice. He is your guardian, and until you are wed, you are under his protection. Tis why I wanted to speak to you myself. I think this is an excellent decision.”

Yesenda looked as if she had been hit. “What? Why? I love it here. I dinnae want to leave now. There is too much on the line.”

“Calm down. You need to go, Yesenda. Tis time you left the abbey and went further afield. You are four and twenty now.”

“But I cannot. My duty is to the Order she whispered.”

“And your duty does not end the moment you walk out those doors.”

“What do you mean?”

“This situation is in our best interests.”

“How so?”

“Sit down and let us speak calmly. Put aside your emotions and listen to reason.”

Yesenda sat and tried not to fidget. She was still reeling from the news.

The abbess poured her a calming brew and then sat down across from her.

“Men have been searching for Edmund. I think your talents are best served outside of the abbey than within it. Our reach from here is limited. Out there, you have the freedom of movement without eyes upon you.”

“What has happened?”

“More than we bargained for, I’m afraid. I need you to guard them and keep watch until it is safe to move them. Yesenda, I fear William already suspects the truth, and it has been over a month since I had word from Brother Mateo.”

“But how can I possibly do anything if I’m to wed? And who exactly has Ruadh promised me to?”

“Your brother intends to unite your clan to the Hendersons.”

“Bram Henderson? He wants me to marry Bram? Absolutely not! I will not do it.”

“Calm down. Bram is also reluctant to wed you. I believe he is smitten with Sorcha MacGregor, whom he kidnapped several weeks ago.”

“He kidnapped Beiste MacGregor’s sister?”

