Page 10 of Highland Warrior

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William nodded at Odo. They were close and Odo always offered wise council.

“You know you could have helped me?” William said.

“Oui.But as I am the Bishop Earl now, it is not good to appear on a battlefield. You know that thing about being peaceful and not taking up weapons?”

William just snorted. Odo was the bloodthirsty one in their family. He had no qualms caving in someone’s head with a club, as long as no one saw it.

“I wonder why your cousin thought he had a better claim to the dukedom than you?” Odo asked.

William said, “Guy mentioned father had a legitimate heir. I sent a spy into his camp, and my man said the same thing.”

Odo sat up and straightened. “What exactly did your spy say?”

“Just that there was a male born to a French woman. Father supposedly married her before he went on pilgrimage. He must have loved her a great deal to marry her,” William said.

“Please, your father is not capable of love. Remember, he gave our mother Herleva to my father so he could provide for her. This after swearing his undying love for her.”

“You have it wrong, brother. He loved our mother, but a duke cannot marry a tanner’s daughter, so the next best thing he could do to provide for her and ensure she would not become a pariah was to marry her off to his nobleman.”

“Perhaps you a right, William. But he has already named you his heir. It is not good form to then sire a legitimate son to replace you.”

“That’s why I said he must have loved her a great deal, whoever she is. How would we find this child?” William asked.

Odo replied, “If he is legitimate, then the first place to begin is with the church. There should be records and a paper trail at least. Then we can work from there.”

William nodded. “Then it is a good thing you are a bishop. I charge you with finding my dear baby brother.”


Falaise Castle, Normandy, France - Several Months Later

“William, we have a problem.”

“What is it, Odo?”

“It’s true. Your father Robert married, and a legitimate male heir was borne out of the union. This child has a stronger claim to the dukedom. If one of the Barons were to decide to take this child under their wing, they could oust you and act as regent until he attains majority.”

“Where are the woman and child?”

“The woman died in childbirth. The whereabouts of the child is uncertain. But my sources believe they sent the babe to an abbey somewhere in Scotland. My men have been searching for him.”

“Have they discovered anything else?”

“Oui,the name of a woman who is duty bound to protect the boy.”

“What is her name?”

“Miriam Ferguson.”

“Find them and bring them to me.”


Chapter 4

1048 – Saddell Abbey, Scotland

“You wanted to see me, Abbess Murdina?”
