Page 14 of Highland Warrior

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Iain Henderson stood by the fireplace, quietly contemplating Yesenda MacDonald. From the moment she entered the Keep he could not take his eyes off her. It was a troubling thought for she was to become Bram’s wife. Still, Iain found her enthralling. The word‘destiny’came to mind as if the fates had whispered it to him.

Iain thought she was perfection. Then he clenched his fists.Damn him, she was off limits. He needed to stop staring, yet he could not tear his eyes away.

Iain watched Yesenda make her way back to the other side of the dais. She sat beside his niece and nephews. His niece Mysie wiggled her eyebrows at Yesenda. Iain watched with rapt attention as Yesenda crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Mysie. Mysie giggled and made a face, and this went back and forth between them.

Iain grinned at the exchange.

For the first time in a long time, a woman other than Liosa captured Iain’s attention. But he shook his head. She was as good as married to Bram, and it was not right to lust after his cousin’s betrothed. Still, Iain continued to sip his whiskey by the fire and study her. There was something mysterious, almost secretive about her, and damn if that did not pique his interest enough that he wanted to find out what it was.

Iain wondered what it would be like to be with a woman like Yesenda. Gently reared in an abbey. No doubt he would scare the life out of her because he was not a gentle man. He thought she was most likely fragile, and he would need to handle her with care. Iain sighed. Yesenda was not for him.

He thought about Bram, whom he loved like a brother and was loyal to a fault. When Bram vied for the lairdship, Iain backed him, wanting nothing for himself. He wanted nothing for himself, only what was best for his clan. But for the first time in his entire life, Iain was jealous of his cousin.


Chapter 5

The Road Home –One Week Later

The MacDonald contingent made their way home after the betrothal fell through. As they rode along the road, Yesenda could barely hide her elation. True to form, she had eluded the marriage to Bram by simply staying out of everyone’s way. She was just grinning to herself when Ruadh interrupted her reverie as he brought his horse beside hers.

“Yesenda, I am truly sorry. I hope you are not upset that the betrothal did not go ahead.”

“Tis all right, brother. It was plain to see that Bram and Sorcha were smitten with each other. I am happy it is a love match for both and will keep the peace between their clans.”

“You are very gracious, sister.”

They rode on in silence as Ruadh seemed to contemplate something. “After what happened with Bram, I think you should have some time to settle back into our clan before I arrange a suitable match.”

“That is a wise plan. I want to become better acquainted with our clan again. Brother, would you allow me to be frank?”

“Of course, sister. Share what is on your mind.”

“I’ve lived behind abbey walls most of my life. I would like to get some time to understand the world. To enter marriage so soon would be confining. I would like to enjoy a little freedom for a while.”

Ruadh nodded in understanding. “It must have been difficult reconciling the two worlds. I see your point sister and I can grant you your wish. There is no pressure from me and mayhap I will allow you some freedom to even choose your own match should the time come.”

“You would? Really?”

“Aye, there is no pressing reason for any hasty weddings or alliances. However, there will be some considerations.”

“Like what?”

“You cannot marry a pompous ass English man.”

Yesenda grinned. “I doubt that will ever happen.”

“And you cannot marry a Norseman and have his family settle here.”

“Why not?”

“Good grief, have you not seen what happened in Normandy? The French let them stay and then they were overrun.”

Yesenda just laughed. “Anything else?”

“Make sure the man you marry can protect you, Yesenda. I ken you are gently reared and violence is a strange concept to you, but I assure you, in a skirmish, you need a powerful man by your side. I fear you would break apart, having never seen what men are capable of.”

“Aye, brother. You are wise.” She smirked and tried not to laugh out loud. It was ludicrous that all the men she encountered assumed she was fragile. Yesenda just shrugged and let it wash over her.
