Page 38 of Highland Warrior

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He devoured the eggs and groaned at the delicious taste.

“Here, eat them with some of this mashed potato.” Yesenda dished up a fluffy spoonful and heaped some on the side of his trencher.

Iain grinned and dug in, then groaned some more when the mash melted in his mouth. Yesenda loved the way he openly showed his appreciation.

“Yesenda,” he said, while chewing another mouthful. “This is the best breakfast I’ve ever eaten in my life. What did you do with the pork?”

“Oh, I just fried it with wild onion, garlic, and tomatoes.”

“And the potatoes?”

“Tis just mashed with a wee bit of milk and butter.”

“You need to teach Cook how to prepare meals like this.”

Yesenda beamed with pride every time Iain groaned with delight at the food. It was satisfying cooking for someone who clearly enjoyed it.

“What are your plans for today, love?” he asked. “I have some clan matters, but I can escort you later, wherever you need to go.”

“Oh, I am not planning on much today, Iain. I will probably remain here and help Tyra when she returns from the weaving circle.”

“Aye, that sounds like a safe option. I’ll send Kieran here just in case.”

Yesenda nodded. She did not like lying to Iain, but by the same token, she needed to see about the blackhouse and this Gibson farm. She had met Kieran previously, and he seemed an easy-going type, so she agreed. Little did she know it was going to land her in even more hot water.


Chapter 10

The Search

“Yesenda, this is not part of the plan,” Kieran, her guardsman, mumbled.

“Kieran, tis perfectly safe, it’s only the village and what could possibly happen to me here?”

“Trust me, I’ve been guarding troublesome women for many years, and something always happens.”

“Are you calling me troublesome? I lead a very quiet life Kieran; I am no trouble at all.”

“You dinnae fool me, lass. Tis always the quiet ones who will get you killed.”

Yesenda burst out laughing and just shook her head. “Kieran, you are far too suspicious for your own good.”

“See this?” Kieran asked. He lowered his leine to reveal a scar on the back of his shoulder.


“That was from a knife wound inflicted while guarding Amelia MacGregor. At the time we all thought her ‘quiet’. Well, she turned out to be the most troublesome woman in the whole of Scotland. I dinnae ken how Beiste puts up with her, to be honest.”

Yesenda grinned. She’d met Amelia and could attest the woman was anything but quiet.

“I can assure you Kieran, nothing will happen. Besides, if there’s any danger, I will protect you.”

“You will protect me?” He looked outraged. “You will do no such thing! If there’s danger, you will hide, you daft woman. That comment right there has me on my guard.”

“Oh look, here we are,” Yesenda exclaimed so she could change the subject. They’d reached the village and Yesenda pointed towards an inn. “Can we get some refreshments there? I’m parched.”

“Aye, I suppose we can do that. But we’ll not stay too long. This time of day it gets crowded.”

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