Page 39 of Highland Warrior

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Yesenda was counting on it. The blackhouse young Seamus told her about was behind the inn and a crowd was the prefect distraction.

Once inside, they ordered, and when the mead arrived, Yesenda excused herself to visit the garderobe. Kieran deemed it safe, seeing as the separate building, although a slight distance away, was still within view of the inn.

Yesenda walked down the thoroughfare and as she passed a serving woman, she slipped a coin into her palm and said, “Keep smiling and pretend we ken each other.”

The serving woman did as she asked. Then Yesenda said, “I’ll give you two more if you keep this between us and if you can distract my companion over there.”

“The braw handsome man you came in with?” the serving woman asked.


The woman clasped the coins and said, “Twould be my pleasure. And dinnae worry, your secret is safe with me.” She winked and meandered her way over to Kieran.

Yesenda glanced back to see Kieran distracted. She sprinted out the back alleyway.


The Blackhouse, Glencoe Village

Liosa made her way to the usual meeting point. Her lover was back in the burgh, and her patron paid her handsomely to ensure he was entertained. It was the only reason Liosa returned toGlencoeso often. She had a love hate relationship with things from her past and that included Iain. He represented a time when life was simpler, and she had not fallen into a world of depravity. Liosa sought Iain’s goodness when the darkness threatened to overwhelm her, but she also despised him for it because it was a stark contrast to the life she had chosen. In the end, she just made them both miserable. But seeing Iain moving on with someone else was too much to bear. Fortunately, the woman he was courting was the same one her lover was searching for, so Liosa felt no guilt at doing what she was about to do.

“I’ve found her,” Liosa said.

The pilgrim asked, “Where?”

“She is a guest of the Hendersons. She lives in the Keep, but they have her guarded. The description matches except her hair is now a sandy blonde colour. She recently left an abbey where she lived since a bairn.”

“Then I will send my brothers for her. You risk a lot by coming to see me in the open,” he said.

“I could not bear to stay away. I hope I have served you well with this information.”

“We shall see. Now go.” He dismissed her with a wave of his hand.

“You wish me to leave?” she asked, surprised.


“But I thought mayhap you might want some company tonight. It has been a long time, and I returned toGlencoeonce I received your missive.”

He raised a brow and asked, “Have you abstained from relations with other men?”

“Aye, I have. I have kept myself for you.”

“Well, seeing as you’re here, I suppose you may as well earn your keep. Take off your garments and lie on the bed. Ready yourself for me, Liosa.”

Liosa grinned, walked towards the bed, and slowly stripped down. Then she seductively climbed up onto it and lay on her back. She held the bed head and spread her thighs.

The pilgrim eyed her lazily, then stared into the fire. Having recently bathed, he wore only a loincloth. After a long time contemplating his next move, he was interrupted.

Liosa said, “Are you going to stand there all night, my liege? It is far more pleasurable over here.”

He gazed at the sultry woman on his bed, and his eyelids hooded with lust. He decided Miriam Ferguson could wait a little longer. For now, he would partake of Liosa’s ample charms and use her body well. She had been his lover for years, and they paid handsomely for her services.

The pilgrim removed the cloth he wore about his waist and strolled towards her. He saw her eyes glaze over with lust when she viewed his naked form. The pilgrim took care of his body and his appearance because people were superficial creatures. Wealth, privilege, and beauty were powerful influencers, and he used all three to maximum advantage.

Liosa licked her lips when she viewed his enormous cock and the piercings at the tip. He grinned and thought she was a whore to her very core. She claimed she slept with no others, but the pilgrim was skeptical. He knew Liosa would do anything for money, even betray her own kin. She was outwardly charming with a corrupted soul. Just like him.

As he raked her body with his striking blue eyes, he subconsciously rubbed the spot on his arm that bore the tattoo of a war club. It was an emblem of the monastic order he was born into. An order his twin brother established and one he was going to claim for his self.The Brotherhood. They dressed alike so no one could tell who led and who followed, but the pilgrim’s reign of terror was only just beginning. He doubted Liosa would come near him if she knew his true nature.
