Page 47 of Highland Warrior

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“Iain!” Liosa said as she came barging into the healer’s cottage. I heard that the Keep was attacked. Are you well? I was so worried about you.” She began fussing over him, and Iain looked slightly embarrassed.

“I am fine,” he grunted, but seeing the death stares directed his way from the women, he tried to usher her out of the cottage. “Liosa, I’ll meet you outside.”

While they were talking, Yesenda did not say a word. She was still reeling from Liosa’s presence. Because Liosa was wearing the garment Yesenda had seen draped over the chair in the blackhouse. It was confirmation that Liosa was having an affair with a man who wasn't Iain. She was not to be trusted. Yesenda warred with several emotions, jealousy, concern and suspicion.

When Iain moved to follow Liosa out the door, Yesenda smirked. On his way out Iain asked what she was smirking at and Yesenda said, “Be careful where you sheath your claymore, Warrior.” She delivered it with a grin, but she was deadly serious about her statement.

Iain stilled for a moment in shock at her words, then he threw his head back and roared with laughter. Yesenda savored it shoring up precious moments to last a lifetime.

She had just turned to get back to her task when Iain appeared before her again.

He lowered his voice so the others would not hear him.

Iain bent and whispered in her ear, “There is much you have kept from me, but ken this, love, I will have all your secrets.”

Then he was gone. Yesenda exhaled the breath she was holding.


Later that night, Yesenda tossed and turned in her bed. The attack from theBrotherhoodstill reeling in her head. Too many missing pieces. She felt the need to remain vigilant, but she was bone weary. TheBrotherhoodwanted her dead and that meant everyone around her was in danger.

She could not go to Edmund now in the event someone was watching her and she could not remain and attract danger. She needed to find out who wanted her dead and eliminate the threat.

Yesenda noticed Iain had not returned after escorting Liosa to the village. That disturbed her the most. Were they coupling? Were they together again? Is this what life would be like, always wondering where Iain was every time Liosa entered their lives again? She really needed to pull herself together. Lives were at stake, and she was thinking only of her own feelings.


Chapter 12


Iain returned to the glen late. He made sure Liosa stayed in the village and away from his kin. He was becoming increasingly annoyed by her constant presence. She tried several times to talk him into taking her back, but his only concern was getting back to Yesenda. He had so many questions to ask, like who taught her to fight like that? Who was Miriam Ferguson? Now that the crisis was over, they needed to have a serious talk about their future.

One thing was for sure, she was like no woman he had ever known and he knew, down to his soul, that she was the type of woman he wanted by his side. She was complex in her simplicity and utterly captivating. Iain wanted her in all the ways he could have her, and that wanting only increased the more he came to know her.

Which is why ten minutes later, he was climbing through the window of her cottage. It was dark, and he saw her in the moonlight, fast asleep. He just gazed at her on the bed and a fierce need to claim her stole over him.

Before he could second guess his actions, he removed his leine and joined her on the bed. She must have been exhausted because she slept through it. He shifted her into a comfortable position and wrapped his body around hers. Then he fell into a peaceful sleep.

He planned to speak to her in the morning, but unfortunately, that plan was derailed.


Yesenda woke feeling refreshed. She hadn’t realized how exhausted she was with worry. Yet she somehow fell into a deep sleep. It was dawn when she opened her eyes and she smiled when she smelled that masculine, woodsy scent. It reminded her of Iain. She rubbed her eyes, adjusting to the faint light of dawn, and was just about to turn onto her back when she felt an arm draped across her waist. Yesenda stilled and her first thought was of theBrotherhood.In a swift move, she grabbed the arm, pulled hard and twisted her hip, throwing whoever was in bed over the side.

“What the hell?” Iain roared as he landed on the floor with a loud thud.

“Iain?” Yesenda cried out as she peered over the bed. He was flat on his back, staring up at the rafters and blinking in shock.

“Iain!” she shouted and jumped off the bed, trying to help him up. “I am sorry. I thought it was someone else.”

He growled as he sat up. “Who else were you expecting to share your bed?”

“No one. I just meant I thought it was an enemy.”

“Well, clearly tis not! You nearly broke my skull.” He grabbed her hand as she pulled him up to standing.

“Is this what I’m going to expect every time I share your bed?” He sat down on the bed, still grumbling.
