Page 48 of Highland Warrior

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“Iain, why were you in my bed? I could’ve killed you.”

“Aye, you almost did, you blood thirsty wench!” He scowled at her.

“I’m sorry. I was not expecting to find you in my bed. Why are you here?”

“Can’t a man sneak into his woman’s bed without having his neck broken?” he snapped.

Yesenda could not help it. Something about the way Iain was grumbling gave her the giggles. He was a sight. His short hair was sticking up in different directions. His trews were riding low, and he was rubbing the back of his neck. She bit her lip and tried to not laugh, but her belly and shoulders started shaking with mirth.

“Are you laughing because you nearly killed me in my sleep?” He frowned.

She shook her head and tried to keep a straight face.

“Aye, you are laughing at me,” Iain said suddenly seeing the humor of what just transpired.

“No, I am not laughing at you, Iain,” Yesenda said, then snorted and covered her mouth.

“You think it’s funny, do you, lass? I’ll show you funny,” Iain said. Before Yesenda could do anything, Iain pulled her onto the bed and rolled her onto her back. He was lying on top, caging her in. Then he tickled her.

“Iain!” she shrieked and burst into a fit of giggles. She was trying to stop his hands but losing the battle.

“Ah, my woman has a weakness. She is ticklish,” he said as he tickled her some more.

Yesenda screamed with laughter, and Iain could not help himself. He started chuckling, enjoying her torment.

“Stop, Iain, I cannot breathe,” she rasped, then kept giggling.

“Do you yield?” he asked.

“Aye, I yield. I yield!”

He stopped tickling her, and instead, he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

“Then I require a boon,” he whispered.

“What boon?”

They were both still now.

“A kiss from a bonnie lass.”

“Oh, well, if you let me up, I’ll go find one for you,” Yesenda joked.

But Iain was not laughing. He was gazing at her with penetrating dark eyes filled with hunger. “I dinnae want just any lass. Only you,” he said as he brushed his lips softly against hers.

Yesenda suddenly felt as if she could not breathe. She was aware of Iain’s body above hers. She could feel his hard length through his trews as it rested against her thigh.

She moaned and lifted her face, closing the distance between them, and she captured his mouth with hers.

Iain growled and rolled them until she was on top. He held her tight and deepened the kiss. They were both panting, and their hands were caressing each other’s bodies.

“Iain?” she whimpered.

“Aye, love?”

“I need more,” she said as she ground her hips against him.

He groaned and threw his head back, savoring the sensation caused by the friction against his length.
