Page 6 of Highland Warrior

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“But Abbess Murdina, twas Yesenda’s fault —”

“I said leave now or so help me. I’ll throw you both out into the street right now. Do you hear me?” Her voice was laced with steel.

They gasped, then quickly scrambled away.

When they had gone, the abbess stood for a moment and stared at Yesenda as if she found something amusing. Then shetskedand said, “Good lord child, you scared the devil out of those two. You ken violence is not the answer to everything?”

“They started it—”

“Aye, I ken it,” Abbess Murdina said, raising her hand palm up. “Calm down, you dinnae need to explain what happened. They’re fortunate you did not maim them.”

Yesenda still hadn’t moved or relaxed her position.

The abbess sighed then said, “Lass, the way you hold that thing is all wrong.”

She took the stick off Yesenda, repositioned her wrists at a different angle, then placed the stick back in her hands.

“Two hands, Yesenda, and one foot a short distance behind. That allows you to pivot without losing your balance.”

Abbess Murdina gently nudged Yesenda’s foot to alter her current stance. “You must stay fluid and always remain on your feet. Like this.”

The abbess then pulled a short staff from the sleeve of her gown. To Yesenda’s surprise, it extended. Then, without warning, she swiped it at Yesenda. Yesenda immediately pivoted. She lifted her stick and blocked the hit.

The abbess grinned and said, “Well done, lass. You, see? When your stance is right, you have better control from the core of your body.” She gestured toward Yesenda’s stomach and hips. “And always keep a weapon nearby when you sleep. One must always be prepared for an attack.”

Yesenda nodded, still slightly reeling at the bizarre conversation she was having with the abbess.

The abbess then sat on the bed and said, “I have heard from some of the other girls about Una and Eilidh. It was remiss of me to not ken what was going on sooner and leave Sister Ines to watch over them. But I assure you, I will keep a keener eye over my charges.”

“Thank you, Abbess.”

“Now, I will send sister Bissett in here to tend to your wounds. In the meantime, get some rest.”

Murdina rose and walked towards the door. Then she paused and said, “I asked several girls what happened in the refectory that day. They said you protected Naomi. Why did you? You dinnae ken Naomi well, and you usually keep to yourself.”

Yesenda took a deep breath and said, “I… I ken what it is like to feel abandoned in the world. I did not want her to face them alone.”

The abbess smiled. “Aye, tis a brave thing you did, lass. To make a stand when the safer option would be to remain quiet and do nothing.” Murdina paused as if contemplating something, then said, “How would you like to learn to defend yourself so there is never a need to attack?”

Yesenda looked surprised. “I would like that very much if you will teach me.”

“I will. But you must keep up with your studies and attend vespers.”

Yesenda nodded. “Aye, I can do that.”

“Then it is done. Tomorrow, I will introduce you to a… different lesson plan.”

“Abbess, may I ask a favor?”


“Can Naomi train too? I fear she desperately needs to ken how to protect herself.”

The abbess grinned again and said, “Dinnae worry, I visited Naomi earlier. It would seem you have more in common than you both ken.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, and one more thing, Yesenda. I need you to choose a name.”
