Page 61 of Highland Warrior

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He barred the door and realized how small thebothywas and her scent, that glorious wildflower scent, assailed him.

Yesenda smiled and said, “I am just preparing a light repast. You must be famished. Come sit down.”

He joined her at the table. Yesenda handed him his trencher, then poured him a cup of mulled spice wine she had warmed over the fire.

“Thanks, sweeting,” he said.

She blushed, then sat down in the chair beside him. They gave thanks and enjoyed their humble fare.

Iain sipped the mulled wine and savored the taste. “Lass, this wine is delicious. What did you add to it?”

“Just some dried orange, cinnamon, and cloves from the abbey.”

“It warms my belly and my heart.”

They fell into a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s company and the quiet.

When the meal was over, Yesenda cleaned and packed away their provisions. Then they sat by the fire and sipped their wine.



“Are you not curious about where we are going?”


“Why not?”

“Because I trust you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”

Her expression softened. “You’re a good man, Iain Henderson.”

Iain smiled and sipped his wine. It struck Yesenda how handsome he was, especially when his eyes warmed and gazed at her.

Iain loved this time with Yesenda. She was not one to talk for the sake of it. It was rare to find a woman who was comfortable with silence. Iain thought about Liosa and how she never stopped talking. She needed to be entertained all the time and some days he found it exhausting.

Yesenda was not sure whether it was the mulled wine spices or the pleasant evening, but she felt full to bursting with joy that Iain was with her, and she blurted it out. “Iain, I am happy you are here.”

“So am I, love.”

After some time passed Iain said, “Yesenda, put your wine on the table.”

“Why?” she asked, confused.

“Just do it.”

She did.

Iain gave her a wry grin, then he reached across and plucked her off her chair and placed her on his lap.


“That’s better,” he said, ignoring her. He wrapped his arms about her and settled.

“Iain, I have a perfectly good seat over there.”

“You were too far away. This is better.”
