Page 71 of Highland Warrior

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Iain was heading to the Keep when he noticed something strange ahead. He crept quietly in the shadows, listening to the conversation whilst inching his way closer to Yesenda. He sensed she was in grave danger. Iain heard everything and could not believe the treachery of Liosa. All this time Liosa worked forMatilda of Flanders, and now she thought to kill Yesenda.

Yesenda pulled out her mace and was bracing herself to take them both on.

She was so busy monitoring them both she failed to see the mini cross bow until it was too late. Silas raised his arm. It was concealed inside the sleeve of his robe. He shot two arrows at close range. Yesenda tried to dodge them, but one hit her chest and the other lodged deep into her side.

“No!” Iain roared as he came running down the pathway with his claymore.

Silas turned and aimed at Iain, but Yesenda moved faster. Blood was pouring from her side, but she raised her mace high and brought it crashing down on Silas’s arm, diverting the direction of the arrow. Silas’s arrow went wide and pierced Liosa’s skull. Liosa’s shocked expression was frozen on her face when she fell down dead.

Iain brought his claymore down, skewering Silas’s chest.

The threat removed, Yesenda finally calmed, realizing blood was dripping down her chest and her side. Her whole body felt wet. She looked down to see blood oozing onto the handle of her mace. It slipped out of her fingers. She staggered backward and felt the world spinning. She saw Iain running towards her, shouting her name. All she heard was a loud buzzing sound. Iain caught her body before she hit the ground.

“No! No! Dinnae leave me!” Iain yelled.

Yesenda attempted to lift her hand to caress his face, but she was too weak and finally she slipped into oblivion.

Iain roared in anguish as he held Yesenda tight. He lifted her into his arms and felt her blood seeping into his clothes. Then he ran for the Keep.

Iain burst into the Great Hall of the Keep, his wife unconscious in his arms.

He roared, “Tyra! Sorcha! Help me, please, somebody help me.” His words were indecipherable as he rocked Yesenda in his arms saying, “Stay with me, love, please dinnae leave me.”

Iain heard people running toward him. But all he focused on was Yesenda’s face, drained of life. He was sobbing when Tyra and Sorcha appeared with worry etched on their faces. They began shouting orders to people in the distance.

“Cousin, we need to put her on the table.” Iain looked up to see Bram in front of him, reaching for Yesenda. He saw Niall and Lachlan running and fetching things for Tyra and Sorcha. He saw his aunt Fia and cousin Willa throwing sheets on the table, issuing orders to serving women.

Iain realized he was not alone. He had family and his clan. Yesenda had a chance. “Aye,” he said as Bram helped him get Yesenda to the table.


Ten Days Later

“Iain?” Yesenda rasped.

“Aye love I am here.”

“Are you well, Iain? She reached up and cupped his cheek.”

Iain kissed the inside of her palm and said, “I am.”

She grinned, then her eyes fluttered again, and she was out cold.

“Yesenda!” He grabbed her limp hand, half panicking.

“Tis alright Iain, she will be alright, come let us tend to her,” Sorcha said.

“She just needs her rest, Iain,” Willa added.

He nodded; his heart filled to overflowing. They almost lost Yesenda twice in the first week. Fortunately, his wife was a fighter, and she was now recovering well. The danger had passed, and Iain was relieved.

But now he was assailed with guilt. Guilt because his ex-lover hurt the woman he loved. Iain was ashamed that Yesenda paid the price for his weakness and failure in letting Liosa enter their lives. He rued the day Yesenda despised him for the pain she had suffered.


Guilty Feet

It was the third week of Yesenda’s recovery and Iain was out at the tavern getting blind drunk.
