Page 74 of Highland Warrior

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“Argh!” he groaned as he thrust into her harder and faster.” His breathing was erratic as perspiration dripped from his chest.

“Aye, that’s it,” Yesenda rasped. Her hair was plastered to her face from perspiration. They had been enjoying a bout of rigorous love making for over an hour and still neither one would concede defeat.

“You feel so good, love,” Iain groaned as Yesenda contracted her core tighter around him.

He moved his arm to her belly and flipped her onto the bed as he continued to thrust inside. One hand sought her pearl, and he rigorously massaged it while pinching her taut nipple.

“Ooh, Iain,” she moaned, as his thumb pressed down harder. Yesenda moaned, then her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she came. Iain groaned before he burst and filled her with his essence.

Iain continued to caress her as his hips kept flicking upward. Yesenda rode the edge of her orgasm with her hips, milking him dry.

Eventually, their movements slowed, and their ragged breathing evened out.

Iain captured her lips with his own. Then he whispered, “I love you.”

“Not as much as I love you,” she replied.

As they lay together in sated bliss, they heard a loud banging on the door and shouting.

They were both up in an instant. Yesenda barely got her chemise on, and Iain threw his paid around his middle before the door burst open to reveal Ruadh MacDonald in the doorway.

He looked from Iain to Yesenda, and their state of undress, and he lost his ever-loving mind. Ruadh lunged at Iain and planted a fist in his face.

Yesenda grabbed her mace and blocked Ruadh from hitting Iain again. “Dinnae touch my husband, Ruadh!”

“For goodness’ sake, wife,” Iain muttered and tried to pull Yesenda behind him.

Ruadh paused and looked at them.

“What did you just call my sister?” Ruadh asked Iain. His voice was laced with steel.

“We’re married, and it’s consummated,” Yesenda said.

Ruadh roared, then launched himself at Iain with his fist flying. He landed one punch in which Iain did not defend himself against. He was going for another when Yesenda moved so fast to block it with her forearm. Then she grabbed his fist in one hand and, in a maneuver Ruadh had not expected, yanked his arm around his back so Ruadh’s face was shoved up against the wall.

“I told you not to touch my husband,” she growled.

“Ouch, bloody hell sister, what are you doing?” Ruadh gasped through restricted lungs.

Yesenda saw Ruadh’s guardsman entering the fray from the side of her eye. She kicked the handle of her mace into the air and caught it with her free hand and pointed it at him. “Dinnae even think about it. This is between me and my brother,” she hissed.

The guardsman raised his hands in surrender and took a step back.

Iain just smiled and said, “Wise choice, warrior.”

“All right. Gods’ teeth, let go!” Ruadh shook her off him. “You’re lucky I dinnae hit women, or you’d be—”

“She’d be just fine, Ruadh. Tis you who would be flat on your arse,” Iain said.

Yesenda grinned at Iain and winked.

Ruadh said, “For crying out loud, someone better explain what is happening before I cast up my accounts. You sicken me. Both of you.”

“Your sister and I were married by a priest two months ago. We didna have time to inform you, but there was a letter from Bram. Do you object to the marriage?” Iain asked.

Ruadh sighed and said, “No, but put some bloody clothes on, both of you. I dinnae want to think about what you’ve been doing in here.” He shuddered and walked out, slamming the door behind him.


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