Page 13 of Reckless

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I wanted to slap that smile right off his face.

He must have noticed my turn in my thoughts because his smile cracked fully across his face now. His eyes glittering with barely held amusement,

“I wouldn't do that if I were you?” he spoke, his breath kissing my neck,

“And what would that be?” My face was on fire now, heated with challenge.

“Whatever it is you're thinking about. I wouldn't do it. Not worth the trouble, Blondie,” he said, leaning back on his knees. He moved my hands underneath my ass and held them there.

“Oh ya, and how would you know?”

“Trust me, I know. Whatever that pretty scowl of yours is up to, you better rethink it. Not worth it.” He shook his head, black curls kissing my forehead as he leaned closer, the Zippo’s light still lingering between us.

“Well, now that you've seen my face what do you say?” His fingers pressed softly against my wrists, urging me to answer.

“It's not really that impressive of a face.” It was a lie. The man was gorgeous. A dark twisted sort of perfection. He was probably the most devastatingly handsome man I had ever seen. Razor-sharp cheekbones, strong, defined brows, he was intriguing in a way only those kissed by darkness could be.

Not that I would let him know that. I would die before letting him in on the way his body affected me. He’d already stolen too much from me.

The dark prince must have known it was complete crap I spoke, for all he did was smile again. That cursed amusement still lingering in his eyes.

“Not what I meant, Blondie. Although I think we both know that’s a lie.” To my annoyance, his devastating half-smile made a reappearance,

“So, I’ll ask you again. Who are you? How did you find this place?” His knee shoved between my thighs, pressing on the sweet spot between my legs, making me squirm as unexpected pleasure shoots through me.

“I’m nobody.” A half-truth, maybe a half-lie. From the way his eyes darken, the stranger isn't buying my answer.

“A nobody? I’m going to have to disagree with you there, Blondie.” I sucked in a breath as he leaned closer, “A stranger maybe. A person in the wrong place, definitely. But a nobody? No, I think you're wrong there.”

I watched his hands travel along the edge of my Strokes t-shirt, toying with the frayed fabric. His eyes darken, and for a moment he seemed entranced. A dark king on the verge of losing control, his eyes dancing out of focus like he was lost in a broken dream.

I had the sudden urge to crack open his mind. To see the secrets burst out like butterflies. To break the surface hidden beneath that vicious mask he wore so effortlessly. He was so close now I could make out the flecks of gray in his eyes.

I watched his lip part.

Is he... Is he going to kiss me?

The thought barely had time to cross my mind before his lips are upon me. On instinct, I closed my eyes as the stranger took my bottom lip into his mouth, sucking gently. I groaned, and it took all of my self-control not to cry out as his hands cupped my breasts once more, working my nipples until they hardened into peaks.

His strokes became more demanding then, his tongue thrusting in and out of my mouth in a steady rhythm. In an instant, he deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping into my mouth with such unfiltered demand, such uncontrolled pleasure, that I moaned.

He tore his lips away from mine, and I gasped. Only to sigh again as he begans to trail them down my neck, sucking and grazing with his teeth. His mouth was on a mission as his lips descended down my collar bone, leaving teasing marks on my exposed flesh before finally landing on my sensitive breasts. His lips teased my nipple, circling the pink bud with his tongue, making me gasp. A smirk crossed my captor's lips,

“You like it when I touch you?” My nose scrunched in annoyance.

“No,” I say to be difficult.

He laughed, the husky sound filling the space between us.

“But you enjoyed the show? Back in the Red Room, when my dick was down that other girl's throat.” His hands move up and down my exposed thighs, caressing the skin there,

“I saw you watching. You wanted to touch yourself.” His fingers grazed the center of my panties, yanking up my denim skirt,

“You wanted to touch yourself here.” I squirmed, his words causing my face to catch fire.

“You're blushing.” I paused as his hands spread across my cheeks, the feel of his palms making my blush deepen.

Infuriating man.
