Page 14 of Reckless

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“Have you never been kissed before?” My arms cross my chest in defiance. Not that it was any of his business but I had been kissed before. Multiple times. Just... just not quite like that. That was something else.

I ignored the flicker of fear entering my heart.

“Do you know the owner of the Black Mansion?” I asked in a vain attempt to change the subject, and my captor froze at my words.

I was tired of whatever this game was. I wanted to return the journal and go home. This place had already successfully worked its way under my skin enough for one night. I wanted my bed and a cup of tea. No, scratch that, I wanted my bed and a very fat, unnecessarily large cup of tea.

“What do you know of the Black Mansion?” His words confused me. Aren't we in the Black Mansion right now? Certainly, he knew this. Unless the journal was lying?

“This is the Black Mansion, is it not?” Confusion flashed across his face. There one second and then gone the next.

“What does a girl like you want with the owner of a place like this?” I opened my mouth to tell him about the journal I found when the door burst open, a sea of light flooding the very minimal distance between us.

“Kaleb they’re here -” I looked up surprised to find Jayson filling the doorway. Whatever he was about to say dying on his tongue as he took in me and my captor, whose name was apparently Kaleb, sprawled across my body.

“Bad time, boss?” Jayson said, unable to hide the chuckle in his voice. His blue eyes alight with mischief.

“I’ll be out in a minute,” the stranger, Kaleb, replied.

“And miss all the fun? No, I think I’m fine right here.” Jayson crossed his arms, his black Prada t-shirt stretching across his muscles, making himself comfortable,

“What are you two up to?” His eyebrows wiggled,

“Some heavy petting? Back door action? No, let me guess, reverse cowgirl?”

His eyes lit up,


“Get out!” Kaleb shouted, his voice vibrating with barely controlled restraint.

Shrugging, Jayson slammed the door behind him, flipping Kaleb the bird on his way out. The darkness was still so pure that I felt more than saw my captor turn towards me.

“I have to go.” His fingers ran through his hair, tugging on the ends, “As usual those who don't deserve my time need my attention.”

“More things you can't run away from?”

He sighed, fingers trailing across my now swollen bottom lip.

“Unfortunately not, Blondie.” He sighed again, and his lips captured mine in another kiss, almost like he couldn't help himself.

“Promise me you’ll wait for me here. You and I both know our conversation is far from over, Goldie Locks.”

Goldie Locks? That’s a new one.

I nodded. Unable to speak the lie lingering behind my lips.

Satisfied with my answer, Kaleb headed towards the door, his head snapping back to sneak glances at me, almost as if he thought I was going to disappear if he looked away for too long. Holding my breath, I watched as he slipped out the door.

Only once he was gone did I breathe again, my secret now free to echo in the dark space.

Silently, I waited a whopping ten minutes before I hightailed it outta there like a girl with her ass on fire. No way was I going to stick around to get my butt handed to me at a later time. This place wreaked of bad decisions and sex-induced headaches. Even if the dark-haired boy intrigued me, I couldn't risk it. It was too dangerous.

All of it.

I was already running. After all, it was what I was good at. And the last thing I needed was a reason to stay.

So I left, the journal burning a hole in my pocket.
